Boston Dynamic’s Quadruped Robots Ben Reed
Introduction Boston Dynamics was founded in 1992 Engineering company that originated as a spinoff form MIT Specialize in robotics and human simulation software Funded largely by DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency)
Quadruped Robots Quadruped: four legged 5 different quadruped robots They are all similar in some respects All unique in other respects
Quadruped Robots Con’t RobotCapacityRangeWeightPrimary Use BigDog340 lbs6.2 miles240 lbsCarry Equipment LittleDogN/A 30 minutes continuous operation N/AStudy movement LS3400 lbs20 miles850 lbs Carry equipment (Marine Corps) WildCatunknown Study movement, Increase speed of robotic movement
Technological Advances Rough terrain capable ▫BigDog (video)video ▫LS3 Advanced autonomy ▫BigDog ▫LS3 (video)video ▫WildCat Record holding speed ▫Cheetah (video)video ▫WildCat (video)video Advanced study of locomotion and movement ▫LittleDog (video)video
A Closer Look at BigDog Engine ▫Leopard go-kart engine ▫One cylinder ▫Two stroke ▫Water cooled Hydraulic System ▫Variable displacement hydraulic pump ▫Custom actuator package ▫Heat exchanger ▫Various filters, manifolds, accumulators, and valves Multi-jointed Legs Advanced Sensors ▫LIDAR ▫GPS and laser gyros ▫Joint sensors and stereo vision Computers and control software
Future Predictions Continued advanced in quadruped technology Rougher steeper terrain Even more autonomous Faster, lighter and stronger More range and quieter
References Ralber, Marc, Kevin Blankespoor, Gabriel Nelson, and Rob Playter. "BigDog, the Rough-Terrain Quaduped Robot." Boston Dynamics. N.p., 08 Apr Web. 10 Nov Apr pdf “Backpacking Gear” ProLiteGear. Web. 11 Nov Owano, Nancy. "Boston Dynamics: Atlas shows balance; WildCat sprints untethered." 08 Oct 2013: n. page. Web. 10 Nov bostondynamicsatlas-wildcat-sprints.html Boston Dynamics. 10 Nov