Viridiana Falliner. Social Clock: The culturally preferred timing of social events such as marriage, parenthood, and retirement.


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Presentation transcript:

Viridiana Falliner

Social Clock: The culturally preferred timing of social events such as marriage, parenthood, and retirement.

Examples of Social Clock Age of identity exploration. Age of inastability. Age of self-focus. Age of feeling between. Age of possibilitis.e

For Girls!!!!! A noticeable sing of aging in women is MENOPAUSE, when the mestrual cycle ends, usually between the ages of 45 and 55. Menopause does not make most women depressed or irrational.

Things you may want to know =O The midlife years, from around 36 and 64, are time of noticeable physical change. Grandma turn on your lights. Sight,smell,and hearing usually begin a steep decline one they turn hit age 65.

Alzheimer’s Disease A progressive and irreversible brain disorder characterized by gradual deterioration of memory reasoning, language, and ultimatelly, physical functioning. Almos 3% of the worlds population develop AD at age 75. There is NO CURE! People who challenged and active minds, or who read a lot and continue to learn across the life span had lower risk for AD. Inactive and obese are more likely to experience AD. blood test.

Senile Dementia Another type of menal disintegration dementia can be cause d by alcoholism, tumor strokes or anything else that results in a substantial loss of brain cells. Age we lose almost our 40% SD. Our brain becomes as slow as our body. Different types of mind: nonverbal intelligence verbal intelligence

Fluid Intelligence: ability to reason speedily and abstracty. - solve novel logic problems like sudoky puzzles. Crystallized Inteligence: accumulated knowledge and verbal skills, tends to increase with age.

LOVE & MARRIAGE Do opposites really attract?, yes, but ONLY if we are talking about magnets but it does not really work for LOVE Love last longer and is most satisfying when is market by: Intimate self- disclosure Shared emotional support Similar interest 90% of our population gets married at least once The divorce rate is the US is around 50% 3 out of 4 who divorce marry a 2 nd time

Marriage brings happiness More marriage last longer when they bring more smiles and hugs that insults and criticizes People in their 70 feel more sad and nervous When you grow older more people regret not doing many stuffs instead of mistakes they did Everyone knows we are dying at some time of our life but no one wants to feel it coming so they prefer Hospice Care.

TRUE STORIES Eileen's close-knit family saw her sink into the depths of alcoholism and drug addiction. After much healing and 19 years of sobriety, the family is now faced with her diagnosis of Alzheimer's. Karen witnessed her father's decline due to Alzheimer's and is now seeing the same in her stepfather Laura and her mom used to write poems together when they were worried, waiting or just had something emotional to say. Laura's mom has Alzheimer's, and just had a paranoid episode that sent her to the emergency room. Laura shares a poem she wrote waiting to board a plane to go be by her mom's side.

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