North East Paediatric Audiology Network Update 25 September 2014 Ed Brown Consultant Clinical Scientist Local Director NHSP Sunderland Royal Hospital


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Presentation transcript:

North East Paediatric Audiology Network Update 25 September 2014 Ed Brown Consultant Clinical Scientist Local Director NHSP Sunderland Royal Hospital

Summary To Date  Currently focused around Audiology Services  Built on existing Regional NHSP ABR Group  Will involve others (Education, Social Care)  Discussed at Strategic/Operational CHSWGs  Local Offer work  No Formal Involvement of Commissioners  Informal discussion with LATs (CNTW, DDAT)  Not Funded  Realistic about what can be achieved in time  Presence on NHS Networks  North East Paediatric Audiology Network

Organisations  City Hospitals Sunderland NHS FT  Newcastle Upon Tyne Hospitals NHS FT  Hartlepool & North Tees NHS FT  Gateshead Hospitals NHS FT  County Durham & Darlington NHS FT  South Tees NHS FT  North Cumbria University Hospitals NHS FT  (All NHS Audiology Providers in Area)

Context  Providers are all Adult/Paediatric combined services  Most are operating under AQP  Most are in competition with each other for Adult Services  Need to acknowledge that this unfunded development work is a potential commercial disadvantage compared to other AQP providers

Data Collection  Excel Spreadsheet  Location and Type of Services (Tier 2, Tier 3 etc)  Training Needs/Training Support  E.g. Support for HTS in PA/PH in smaller departments  Link with Health Education North East training  Ed is regional audiology representative for Healthcare Science Group  Service Specifications/Referral Pathways  Identifying areas for sharing/collaboration  Identifying gaps in provision/training  Intention to set up small working groups

Timeline since March 2014  1 April 2014 – Revised Regional ABR Audit  20 May Regional Meeting  2 Sep Funding discussed at HENE  17 Sep Meeting re reports/audit  25 Sep National Meeting  10 Oct Presentation Regional BAA  25 Nov Next Regional Meeting

Regional Meeting 20 May 2014  Ed updated group on National meeting on 24 March 2014  Acknowledged that there is no national funding for the networks  Lack of clarity regarding the audience and format of the proposed Annual Report  Agreed to continue with existing NHSP Annual reports but look to see whether common format could be used to include a region wide audit of VRA and Infant Hearing Aid Provision  Ed and Helen Martin agreed work jointly on audit tool which could be used for this

Health Education North East Meeting 2 September 2014  Ed mentioned both the Regional NHSP ABR Group and Clinical Network  Development/Training/Resource needs  Appeared to be within scope  Will need to develop Business Cases

NHSP Team Leaders (South of Tyne, County Durham Tees) 17 September 2014  Discussed proposed reports  Agreed to use existing NHSP reports  Agree common format  Include additional audit/metrics  Develop VRA and Infant HA audit tools  Regional Audit

Possible Measures for Report  KPI 1  KPI 2  NHSP Yield (unilateral, bilateral, ANSD)  Non-NHSP Yield (including late identification audit)  PCHI Identification (80% by 6/12, 98% by 12/12)  Referral to Education =< 1 day  Fitting =< 4 weeks  Audit of HA provision  REM (Measured RECD, Predicted RECD, MHAS tolerance)  % IMP created/update  Evaluation measure e.g LittlEars/SII)  Offer/Timeliness of aetiological investigations

Possible Measures for Report  Post meningitic/urgent =< 4 week referral/fitness  Other assessments/reviews =< 6 weeks  OME NICE Guidance – monitoring =< 3 months  VRA Audit  Environment (Acoustic)  Staffing (training/competency)  # MRLs  Outcome (e.g. ear specific discharge criteria, incomplete)  Parental satisfaction with service  CHSWG parental representation  DNA rate  Staff compliance with HTS or equivalent competency  Staff compliance with training (e.g. safeguarding)

Next Steps for Report  Agree measures/standards  Agree common NHSP report format for the four NHSP Programmes covered by Network  Reports based on CCG/Provider

Thoughts Who benefits (most) from the development work on Clinical Networks – families, services, Trusts, IS AQP providers, voluntary sector, commissioners NHSE/LAT/CCGs ? Who is contributing to the development ? This is about National Hearing Systems and therefore requires National resources

Any Questions