Fundraising in-depth A more in-depth look at the top three fundraising features for more effective fundraising Ghazal Vaghedi, Head of North American Market Development Community conference Twitter hashtag: #EN2011 and
Overview: what we will cover today Setting up a donation page Managing transactions Creating a donation widget
Checklist: Getting started with donation pages Similar work flow to building an advocacy campaign: build and design Templates are HTTPS versus HTTP Gateway requirements dictate mandatory form fields Default data structure must contain tagged fields for donation processing Enter merchant account details
Donation form must account for two things: Payment gateway requirements for processing the transaction Inclusion of recurring payment option (set up and management vary by gateway)
Available payment gateways and payment options Worldpay (Business and Corporate Gateways): single and recurring gifts Corporate - recurring payments managed via your EN account Business - recurring payments have to transact on a hosted page IATS: single and recurring gifts, supports ACH payments RSM: single and recurring gifts, supports PDD Recurring payments are managed via your EN account Paypal: gateway and Paypal direct payments options
Setting up your donation page Label your form fields Use split select option where necessary Create form dependencies Example of dependencies: Recurring payment option Credit card type Gift designations EX: if recurring payment option is selected then present recurring payment frequency Fields will be invisible unless dependency is activated
Setting up your donation page Create gateway specific error alerts Create thank you Create HTML donation receipt
Managing Transactions Set up how you want to view transactional specific details via the default data structure Manage supporter screen will reflect your preferences and apply to individual donors (e.g. select box versus text box) Transactions are tagged as one of four payment types: credit/debit card single, credit/debit card recurring, bank single, bank recurring Run transactional reports for your donation pages Up to 20 transactional data segments stored Manage recurring donations directly via software dashboard
Creating donation widgets: Use and application Widgets allow you to integrate your donation pages across the social web You can also embed widgets directly onto your own website Lowers barrier for giving
Setting up your donation widget After you have set up your base donation page you can create the widget via donation pages>manage widgetsYou have the option to use basic styling and advanced styling to design your widgetOnce you have created your widget you will be ready to publish it and use the embed code to place anywhere of your choosing