Sofie Loyens Erasmus University Rotterdam The Netherlands AERA 2012 Professional Development and Training Course Hearing from Established Scholars How to Get Published: Identifying Viable International Venues for Publication
Alternative Title... Publishing: There is a world outside the US...
Today: Differences between publishing in the US and Europe Information about EARLI, the “European AERA” Possible venues for publication in Europe
Differences between US & Europe Not much! Editorial boards are international Overlap in editorial boards Tip: Always use reviewers’ feedback in case of rejection APA style in many European Ed Psych journals
European Educational system Tip: Take differences in educational system into account Example: Belgium and the Netherlands Early years comparable to US: kindergarten, 6 years primary school, high school = 4 (vocational) to 6 years Age 18: college (Ba) or university (Ba + Ma) Enrolled in a specific program from day 1 No major – minor system
Implications for research studies Undergraduates are different in US compared to Europe Differences in regions within US: clear description of participants and learning environment = crucial
European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction Special EARLI network for junior researchers: JURE Biennial EARLI conferences: 27–31 August, 2013: Munich, Germany Yearly SIG and JURE conferences
EARLI Journals Learning and Instruction (impact: 2.768) Scientific research in learning, development, instruction, and teaching Empirical investigations, variety of theoretical perspectives and methodological approaches, different age levels and different settings (e.g., lab & field studies) Important: significance of contribution and the “instruction – part”
EARLI Journals II Educational Research Review (impact: 1.261) Review studies: research, theoretical, methodological, thematic, state-of-the-art papers, research critiques, forum papers (i.e., shorter articles with new idea), reports on instructional techniques Meta-analytic, narrative, best- evidence reviews Suitable for publishing theoretical framework of dissertation
Other European Journals British Journal of Educational Psychology (impact: 1.013) Psychological research in education (all ages and levels) Main themes: Cognition, learning, motivation, literacy, numeracy, language, behavior, social-emotional development, developmental difficulties linked to Ed Psych Empirical, theoretical, and methodological Important: Quality of argument and execution, clarity in presentation, educational significance
Other European Journals II European Journal of Psychology of Education (impact: 0.547) Empirical research, reviews, theoretical discussions Sensitive to the diversity and complementary character of research in different countries Metacognition and Learning (impact: 2.038) Empirical research & theoretical papers on metacognition and self-regulated learning Relations with other concepts (e.g., motivation)
Other European Journals III British Journal of EducationalTechnology (impact: 2.139) Theory, applications, and development of educational technology & communication Colloquium section (short): work in progress & raising queries European Journal of Cognitive Psychology (impact: 1.241) Learning, memory, reasoning, decision making Empirical, theoretical International
Studying & doing research in Europe = fun Exchange programs between US & European universities Many programs in Europe offered in English programmes/psychology/educational_psychology/ (Netherlands Organization for International Cooperation in Higher Education) (funding possibilities for studying in Europe)
In conclusion... Numerous European outlets for your research and/or theoretical papers Do not hesitate to contact European researchers in your field for questions, comments or collaboration International experience and collaboration is becoming increasingly important
If research can not convince you