PROCESS MANUAL How to Put Money on Your UMBC ID Card from Your Personal MyUMBC account Prepared by: Ahmad A. Najmi English 393 – Mrs. Harris
Introduction This presentation teaches you how to easily put money on to your UMBC ID card from your UMBC account. Just a reminder, if you prefer to put money on your card via on line, you can only put money by your credit card only. UMBC card can be used for different purpose such as paying for your tuition, getting a soda from a machine, printing documents from the library, lab, etc.
Lets begin….. FIRST, Get to a computer where there is internet access and get on the internet THEN, Go to and enter your login name and password to get access to your account information. Once you are logged in, go to the Business Services Tab as shown below: (highlighted in yellow)
Instructions Continued…. NEXT, Go to the Electronic Payments & Campus Card section as shown below and click on “Manage Campus Card (add $$, check balance, report lost card, etc.) (highlighted in black below part) Electronic Payments & Campus Card One Time Payment Option (Tuition Payment Gateway) EBPP (Bill Presentation and Payment) Manage Campus Card (add $$, check balance, report lost card, etc.) A Security Alert Window will pop up, just click “yes” to accept and you will now be directed to another page. You will see your name on the top of the page with different links below. Click on the blue link “Add Value to your card” Add Value to your card Add Value to your card Click here to instantly add value to your MYUMBC card.
Still Going……. You are now directed to another page where you will chose on the plan to put the money in. Just choose your plan, (General or Student Food) by selecting from the drop down menu on the corner of the page. General plan can be used for printing documents at the library or on soda/snack machines. Student food would be used if you have a meal plan or flex money account. Click “Next>” to continue. You are now ready to enter your credit card information. (take out your credit card info.)
Almost Done……. ENTER your credit card information and select the amount you wish to put on your card; otherwise type in the exact amount you wish to put on your card. THEN Click “complete” after you’re done. You will now get a summary page of how much you put on your card.
Problems???..... If you have any problems in the process such as your credit card numbers weren’t correct, or you have a zero balance on your card even after you put the money in your card….. Click on the picture (see below) on the corner of the page and write what your problem is and you’ll get an response within a day or two.
Finally…… If everything goes smoothly, you may now LOGOUT by clicking the “Logout” button on the top corner of the page! Now you have added money via your myUMBC account!