1 Changing Perspectives on Workforce System Performance Employment and Training Administration Office of Performance and Technology


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Presentation transcript:

1 Changing Perspectives on Workforce System Performance Employment and Training Administration Office of Performance and Technology

2 Workforce System Performance Improving Performance Results  Reporting performance is a fundamental element of improving customer services and good public administration  Establishing common measures and standardizing customer data collection improves the validity and comparability of performance results  A single, streamlined reporting structure enables consistent measurement and understanding of program performance results  Integrating reporting improves the ability of states to integrate services at the local level  Ensuring the accuracy and reliability of performance results is necessary for demonstrating system integrity

3 Current Performance Environment  Different program performance measures create confusion among our customers and stakeholders who want to know about results  Conflicting administrative requirements create barriers to service integration and performance measurement across programs  States and grantees currently submit 21 different reports and forms for ETA funded programs  Lack of consistent information on services to employers to ensure a competitive workforce  Outside oversight agencies, including OIG and GAO, have questioned the comparability and reliability of program data

4 Without common performance measures, ETA’s 2003 budget submission explained that… In 8 Adult programs: There were 4 different ways to describe putting people into a job; There were 4 different ways to describe staying in a job; and There were 3 different ways to describe earnings (4 of the programs didn’t talk about earnings). In 8 Adult programs: There were 4 different ways to describe putting people into a job; There were 4 different ways to describe staying in a job; and There were 3 different ways to describe earnings (4 of the programs didn’t talk about earnings). In 5 Youth programs: There were 3 different ways to describe getting a diploma. In 5 Youth programs: There were 3 different ways to describe getting a diploma. Current Performance Environment Huh?

5 Current Performance Environment State Funded Programs States are required to produce reports using different definitions, data and submission procedures for each workforce program.

6 EMILE (ETA Management Information and Longitudinal Evaluation) Reporting System Consolidated Reporting Approach ETA proposes to consolidate reporting to reduce duplicate record keeping, streamline grantee information systems, and facilitate comparable performance results

7 EMILE Reporting System Purposes of the System  Eliminate and replace 12 separate and conflicting program reporting requirements with one reporting system  Implement standardized data collection and report submission procedures for all ETA programs  Provide management information that is timely, reliable, and useful, all in one report  Focus on common results that have meaning to our customers – employment for adults and skills for youth  Support the establishment of a demand-driven system by collecting information on employers served  Utilize performance data to encourage effective program design, high performance, and strategic partnerships with business

8  Employment Service  Veterans Employment and Training Service  WIA Adult, Dislocated Worker, and Youth  National Emergency Grants  Trade Adjustment Assistance  National Farmworker Jobs Program  Indian and Native American Program  Senior Community Service & Employment Program  Other ETA-funded employment and training grants (H-1B and Youthful Offender Grants) EMILE Reporting System Covered Programs

9 EMILE Reporting System Important Components  Quarterly Performance Summary Report  Common report format across ETA programs  Includes common measures plus program-specific indicators of performance  Individual Record Layouts  Standardized data collection on participants, which includes EO information  Standardized data collection on types of employers served and services provided to them  Common definitions, formats and reporting instructions plus data unique to individual programs  Individual records submitted on a quarterly basis

10 EMILE Reporting System Important Benefits  For the 1 st time, Governors have one integrated report format reflecting results from across the One- Stop delivery system  Grantees utilize a single reporting format, on the same schedule, regardless of funding stream, to report performance  Common set of data and definitions improves validity and comparability of performance information  Integrated reporting system improves the ability of states/local areas to integrate service delivery and performance measurement

11 EMILE Reporting System Addressing the Report Burden  Establish a transition period for grantees to comply with the new reporting requirements and deliver system-wide staff training  Utilize existing ETA funds to provide technical assistance for grantees  Continue financial support for the national Wage Record Interchange System (WRIS)  Expand grantee access to wage records maintained by certain Federal agencies (e.g., OPM, DOD)  Provide updated reporting/data validation software to grantees to reflect common performance measures

12 July A notice was published in the Federal Register announcing EMILE reporting system and inviting public comment for 60 days. Review technology, business and infrastructure requirements. Meet with stakeholders to discuss transition planning and implementation issues. 60-day public comment period for the proposed EMILE reporting system ends. ETA reconciles public comments, re-posts in the Federal Register, and submits EMILE reporting system to OMB for approval. Develop a Transition Plan with the input of stakeholders. ETA issues TEGL announcing new reporting system. Aug – Oct 04 Sept Nov – Jan 05 Jan - Mar 05 EMILE Reporting System Where Do We Go From Here?

13 Federal Register Notice Focus of Comments  Is the proposed collection of information necessary for the proper performance of ETA funded workforce programs?  Is ETA's estimate of the reporting burden accurate?  Are there ways ETA can enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be collected?  Can you suggest ways to minimize the burden of collecting information, including the use of appropriate technologies to collect the information?

14 Federal Register Notice Additional Areas for Comment  What capability do the grantees have to submit universal individual records (as proposed) versus a statistically valid sample of individual records?  Important to the EO Community: Please provide comments regarding the collection of additional information on the types of disability of people being served in the One- Stop.  How would collection of this information impact service delivery?  Does this collection enhance services to persons with a disability?

15 Comment Area Collection of Disability Information If a person indicates that he/she has a disability, that person would also be given the opportunity to voluntarily disclose whether he/she has any one ore more of the following types of disability that substantially limits one or more major life activities: Specific learning disability Orthopedic impairment Hearing impairment Mental/emotional/psychological impairment Visual impairment Drug addiction or alcoholism Speech impairment Other types of disability Cognitive impairment

16 Job Seeker Record Equal Opportunity Information Data elements 0104 through 0114 are to be collected and maintained by states and grantees for individuals who apply for benefits or services financially assisted by the program. –(Required in accordance with 29 CFR Part 37 “Implementation of the Nondiscrimination and Equal Opportunity provisions of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998.”) Data elements 0104 through 0114 are reported to ETA on program participants. Information in this section of the record is self- reported by the individual and is voluntary.

17 Job Seeker Record Equal Opportunity Information

18 Job Seeker Record Equal Opportunity Information

19 The complete EMILE handbook, including the job seeker participant record, is available at: Please send questions regarding EMILE to ETA’s Office of Performance and Technology: Questions or Comments? You can also reach us at: or: Amanda Ahlstrand Brian Pasternak Karen Staha