Dianne Carpenter UCB Director Improve Integrity with Messaging
The Challenges UI is a complicated program, made even more so with Internet filing, EUC & EB Gathering correct and adequate information on initial claim Providing clear direction about next steps Understanding initial and on-going eligibility requirements
Up-front Messaging
Help Text
Immediate Follow-Up
Benefit Rights Interview In-person mandatory group meeting Scheduled no more than 2 weeks after opening claim Review all eligibility criteria and reemployment services available Show Fraud Video
Rights & Obligations Booklet In order to protect your rights and meet your obligations, you should read this entire booklet. Most claim problems can be avoided if you read this entire booklet! Fraud Prevention: To prevent fraud, NHES matches records with those of other state and federal agencies including the Social Security Administration. Protecting the integrity of the UI Trust Fund, which pays employees’ benefits, is a responsibility NHES takes very seriously. The NHES toll-free number, EXT is available for concerned citizens to report suspected incidents of unemployment insurance fraud and abuse.
Continued Challenge Regardless of all previous messages and information provided, still “don’t understand” and/or commit fraud Now What?
Partnership with NH’s largest cable company Public Service commitment Free of charge! Up to 15 video spots, professionally made 2 ½ to 3 minutes each On-Demand feature
Comcast serves 300,000 homes in NH. WOW!
Utilized ToolKit ideas during design Placement on main NHES website Streaming in 12 Local Offices in waiting areas and/or Resource Centers Consider integrating with BRI and/or workshops
From ToolKit
Other Video Topics What Should I Do If I Become Unemployed? How Do I Get Started? Are There Any Programs for Veterans? How Do I Know If My Claim is Approved and How Much Will I Get? What Do I Have To Do To Meet the Work Search Requirement? When Will I Get My Check? Reporting All Work and Earnings – Avoiding Fraud What If I Disagree With A Decision? Can I Appeal? What is NH Works?
Additional Initiatives Ideas and recommendations from UI Claimant and Employer Messaging Toolkit Handouts and posters Review and update of IVR Script Review and update of Claim Instruction Sheet and Rights & Obligations Book Employer Outreach
Technology Initiatives Auto-reminder for scheduled appointments -- BRI -- ERI -- REA -- Profiling -- Workshop -- Appeal hearing
In Place Sept 2012 SIDES Better data from and communication with employers and TPA’s BARTS Fast-pass and case management TOP Communication and clarity of consequences of non-payment
Results? Better informed claimants and employers Better quality information from claimants and employers Fewer mistakes that result in overpayments Fewer deliberate misreported or unreported work and earnings
Dianne Carpenter, UCB Director