Marketing and University Relations Integrating Emory’s Brand with School & Unit Strategies November 2006
1 Financial StreamMarketing Impact Endowment Income & GiftsAwareness and reputation--Emory for the public good, its impact. Increase gifts and engagement by donors and alumni Indirect Cost Recovery (research grants) Awareness and reputation--Emory’s impact on society through research and learning. Strengthening faculty Technology Transfer (patents)Awareness and reputation-- increase investment in commercializing Emory research tradeshow displays and event support Tuition & Fees--generates more than half of Emory’s Unrestricted Operating Budget Awareness and reputation--Emory as a destination education.Increase quality of student body due. Influenced by Brand Awareness and Brand Perception Marketing and Emory Revenue Stream
2 Overview--Marketing’s Two Masters Marketing’s two masters: >Brand: Emory’s Brand >“Product:” Schools & Units Brand = Emory University and Use Your Gift > Audiences: Staff, alumni, donors, faculty, students, general public >Leverage awareness and reputation >Consistent messaging across audiences, media, and tactics Product = Emory education & experience Perspectives: Admission, College, Campaign, Human Resources, etc. >The specifics that make Emory unique >The specifics that make each major, club, experience unique
3 Marketing and University Relations Objectives Increase aided awareness of Emory nationally and among key groups Demonstrate Emory’s distinct characteristics and experiences to enhance reputation Increase affinity and funding, making Emory a destination university Align and unify the expressions of Emory’s identity so we all talk about Emory in a clear, consistent and compelling manner to all audiences
4 Our Challenge Showcase both Emory and the particular school/unit Integrate university brand with school/unit positioning >Determine message priority Align the marketing objectives of Emory with those of particular school/unit
5 Summary Serving two masters is possible--the goals of the brand and of the school/units are intertwined Keep department’s goals in mind and creating a unified positioning for Emory with Use Your Gift--understand each others goals and needs Negotiate and compromise--challenge when appropriate (from both directions) Find a “win-win” position for all parties Will lead to creation of effective strategies, unified messaging and mutual support by Emory for the school and the school for Emory so awareness and reputation increase and Emory achieves its vision