St. Joseph School Mrs. Fischer
Surviving the 4 th Grade Review your child’s agenda after school everyday. Sign the agenda after you have verified the assignments were completed. Look for dates of upcoming quizzes, tests or projects in the agenda. Use my school to contact me. You may also write a note into your child’s agenda.
Homework Counts for 30 – 50 % of the subject grade. It is practice for what was taught in class. It is expected to be done on time. * Late assignments have consequences Starting in the 2 nd quarter late assignments will lose 5 points each day they are late. Too many late assignments in one subject during the quarter will result in a mandatory study hall after school with that teacher. *There are times when homework can not be completed. (Extra curricular activities such as sports or dance do not apply.)
Homework struggles If your child is unable to successfully complete an assignment, please help them. If homework is taking longer than one hour (after distractions have been removed), please indicate in their agenda the subject (assignment) they struggled with. I am available after school most days 2:45 to 3:30 for extra help. Send a note in to schedule a time or call the school office
Tests and quizzes Advance notice will be given. Check for review guides or the names of the lesson or chapter in your child’s agenda. Tests and quizzes are up to 50% of the grade. Corrections to most tests and quizzes will be accepted up to 2-3 days after it has been returned.
Book reports and other projects Are weighed the same as tests. Usually one book report per quarter. Each report will have a different format or project. Books are selected by the teacher, unless otherwise noted. 1 st book report will be given in October.
Absences Please send your child to school whenever possible. I will send them to the nurse if they are not doing well. Unless they have a fever, have thrown up or has an uncontrollable cough they should really be in school. Calling the school and asking for work when your child is home sick is not allowed. With the exception of Friday absences. If they are well enough to do work at home, send them to school. Otherwise, Mrs. Fischer will catch them up when they return to school. Extensive absences may require after school help. Arrangements will need to be made for your child to stay after with me. A note must be sent in the next day explaining the absence.
Birthdays We have 29 birthdays to celebrate! Once a month we will celebrate that month’s birthdays. Example: August/September birthday celebration will be on Fri. Sept. 28 th. Letters will go home and a poster highlighting the birthday child will be sent home a few weeks before it is due.
Scholastic Book Orders September/October has already been sent home. Due on Friday September 28 th. Online ordering is available. Orders come right to school. Indicate in a note if any books will be gifts.
Classroom behavior “Excellent” classroom behavior is rewarded. Poor behavior has consequences. Look in the agenda for the smiley face. Green=Good day Yellow=Bad choices were made Red= Bad choices were not corrected. Loss of recess/free time. Monthly rewards will vary from candy, homework passes, extra recess time, ½ hour video & snack. No one is excluded from “class celebrations” such as Birthday treats, Christmas or Easter parties “Good” behavior is expected at all times in all classes.
The greatest teacher a child has is their parents. Be positive about school, homework, and teachers. Have your child read at least 20 minutes a night. Read with them. Discuss the story/article read. Take your child to Mass.