Біосферний резерват “Розточчя” Biosphere Reserve “Roztochya” Date of establishment: Nature Reserve “Roztochya”,October 5, 1984 National Nature Park “Yavorivskyi”,July 3,1998 Regional Landscape Park “Ravske Roztochya”, June 3,2007 Managing authority: Ministry of education and science of Ukraine, Ukraine Ministry of ecology and natural resources of Ukraine Nomination Form of “Roztochya” Reserve is submitted to UNESCO in Nomination is recommended for approval by IACBR in 2011.
Біосферний резерват “Розточчя” Biosphere Reserve “Roztochya” Map of the Ukrainian-Polish BRR
Біосферний резерват “Розточчя” Biosphere Reserve “Roztochya” Area: 74416,0 ha : of which are directly managed by ha Nature Reserve “Roztochya”, ha National Nature Park “Yavorivskyi”, ha Regional Landscape Park “Ravske Roztochya” and 46149,9 ha are managed by other land users. Territorial structure:one massif, 13 core zones Location: in west Ukraine, on the eastern border of the European Union Functional zoning: Core area (А) – 4,5 %; Buffer zone (В) – 14,6 %; Transition area (С) – 80,9 %; Staff consist of organizations of protected area: 39 rangers, 15 scientists, 8 specialists on ecological education, 3 specialists on ecotourism and recreation.
Біосферний резерват “Розточчя” Biosphere Reserve “Roztochya” The territory of the Biosphere Reserve includes typical for Roztochya forests (47.1%), meadows (8.4%), wetlands (1%), water ecosystems (3.5%).
Біосферний резерват “Розточчя” Biosphere Reserve “Roztochya” ACTIVITIES WITHIN THE FUNCTIONING ZONES Core area: nature protection and scientific activities; biocenotic monitoring; observation of successions; elaboration and implementation of measures about restoration of the water ecosystems, preservation of rare species in the region. Buffer zones: carrying out traditional activities, such as cultivation and use of forest (without clear cuts ), reconstruction of transformed tree-stands, maintaining of traditional agriculture, fishing, collecting mushrooms, berries and medical herbs, development of traditional crafts, scientific work and ecological education work. Transition area: traditional cultivation and use of forests resources, wood processing, agriculture, fishing, hunting, business activities.
Біосферний резерват “Розточчя” Biosphere Reserve “Roztochya” BIODIVERSITY Flora: more than 2200 species (1342 high vascular plant species), 88 of which are rare and listed to the Red Data Book of Ukraine, and 7 are included into the international conservation lists. Fauna: more than 2500 species (347 vertebrate species), 276 of which are rare, 38 are listed to the Red Data Book of Ukraine and to the international conservation lists, 26 invertebrate species are listed to the Red Data Book of Ukraine and to the international conservation lists. Vegetation: around 194 vegetation associations, 17 of which are listed to the Green Data Book of Ukraine. Endangered habitat types: 25.
Біосферний резерват “Розточчя” Biosphere Reserve “Roztochya”
OTHER NATURAL VALUES: European pine-beech and pine-oak-beech forests on the border of the natural habitat. Colonies of bats. Sources and streams that form many small rivers in the main European watershed. Small rivers that start here and form the catchments for the Black Sea and the Baltic Sea. Sources with the medicinal water. Outputs of rocks, limestone with rare calcifilous flora. Bogs with rare plant species. Viable populations of large mammals (wolf, moose, beaver, lynx), raptors (white tailed eagle, osprey).
Біосферний резерват “Розточчя” Biosphere Reserve “Roztochya” USING THE PROTECTED AREA FOR ECOLOGICAL EDUCATION There are two environmental educational center’s in the BRR. On a regular basis environmental thematic conversations, seminars and lessons with youth group took part there and in schools of the region. Also, they carry out popular ecological actions – “Pure Environment”, “Day of Environment”, “Day of Birds”, “Day of a Tree”, “Day of Reserves and Parks” and “Bird of the Year”. Generally, the state of environmental awareness of local people is sufficiently high, however, the levels of ecological consciousness and self-responsibility still need to be improved.
Біосферний резерват “Розточчя” Biosphere Reserve “Roztochya” SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH AND INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION Chronicles of nature is the basic scientific topic for nature reserves and nature parks of Ukraine, as well as the main form of generalization of research outcomes. This is actually the program of overall environmental monitoring. BRR has a significant scientific basis: 32 scientific forestry plots, 48 botanical plots,14 zoological trails, 5 entomological plots, 2 phenological trails, 1 weather stations, 1 hydrological station, a network of inventory plots and trails. An important element of the scientific activity is organizing international conferences and workshops, seminars, and participation in international projects. The active cooperation with the Polish part of Roztochya region is done.
Біосферний резерват “Розточчя” Biosphere Reserve “Roztochya” INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCES "Problems and prospects of environmental protection facilities in Roztochya”, t.Shklo, "Roztoczanskiy zbir -2000”, t.Starychy, “Natural and historical values in Roztochya”, Horynec, Poland, May Conference of Young Scientists of Ukraine "Actual problems of floristics, systematics, ecology and conservation phytodiversity", "Biosphere Reserve as a model of sustainable development of territories and objects of nature reserves", "Cultural and Tourist Attractions - the basis of Roztochya, Zamość (Poland), 2007 "The scientific basis of preservation of the diversity of insects in the Roztochya nature reserve”, 2008, 2009, "Problems and prospects for environmental education” Ivano-Frankove, Ukraine. "National parks in the national ecological networks: current status, problems and prospects", International training “Museums are mirrors of our history and heritage”, November 23-24, 2006, Ivano-Frankove, Ukraine. “Natural research on Roztochya”- July 1-3, 2010 Ivano-Frankove, Ukraine.
Біосферний резерват “Розточчя” Biosphere Reserve “Roztochya” PARTICIPATION IN INTERNATIONAL CONSERVATION PROJECTS Program CBC TASIC, project “Roztochya Integrated Development and Guardianship Enterprise – RIDGE Phase2” ( ); Ukrainian-Polish project Central Bicycle Route Roztochya(Kraśnik-Lviv) - a joint tourist product on the Ukrainian-Polish Roztochya", 2007; Ukrainian-Polish project "Our Roztochya - promotion of tourism and cultural merits of the Polish-Ukrainian border area", 2006 ; “Functional monitoring of forest ecosystems of “Roztochya” ( ); “Help to save the aesculapian snakes (Elaphe longissima), which are rare species in the hole Europe” was financed by The Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Ukraine 2008; “International biosphere reservation “Roztochya” territory structuring by the analysis of transboundary watershed forestry ecosystems’ potentials. 0109U001468” ( ).
Біосферний резерват “Розточчя” Biosphere Reserve “Roztochya” SCIENTIFIC-TECHNICAL BOARD (STB) Scientists, conservationists, NGOs, local authorities, managers of the forestry enterprise, universities' delegates, and other experts are involved into the management of scientific, education and conservation activity of the reserve through the Scientific-Technical Board. The Board prepares recommendations for basic issues of planning and implementation, funding, staff and logistic issues of BRR. Members of the Scientific- Technical Board are scientists, stakeholders and other experts, whose activity is connected to nature protection, protected area system and scientific research. The Scientific-Technical Board taken place 3 times per year.
Біосферний резерват “Розточчя” Biosphere Reserve “Roztochya” Cultural heritage The cultural Christian objects are included into the transition zone, such as Krehivskiy monastery, Stradchanskіy caves monastery, Wooden churches; Traditional handicrafts; Wooden architecture; Hand made toys, hand crafted wood, needlework.
Біосферний резерват “Розточчя” Biosphere Reserve “Roztochya” TOURISM AND RECREATION - educational tourism; - scientific tourism (acquaintance with original forest and aquatic ecosystems, biodiversity, observation of rare species of flora and fauna); - sport (bike, horse and walking routes, fishing, kayaks, sailing ship etc); - mushroom and berry picking; - water tourism; - green tourism; - religious tourism (pilgrimage to the Stradchanska caves monastery, to Krehiv monastery, to the wooden church 1502, to the village Potelychi, to the Synagogue in Nemyriv, Jewish Cemetary in Nemyriv, town of Ivano-Frankove, town of Zhovkva)
Біосферний резерват “Розточчя” Biosphere Reserve “Roztochya” SUPPORTING SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT The BR territory consist more than 120 villages. The total population in the region of BR is more than 52 thousand residents. The villages are generally traditional with a gradient from houses with gardens, and in-fields used for growing food or as orchards, to fields and meadows. Use of non-wood forest products, medical herbs collection, and fishery are quite important for rural livelihoods. The establishment of the biosphere reserve will support development of the green tourism, recreation, and infrastructures.
Біосферний резерват “Розточчя” Biosphere Reserve “Roztochya” Preservation of the nature, culture, traditions
Thank you for attention! Biosphere Reserve “Roztochya Town of Ivano-Frankove Yavoriv district, Lviv region Ukraine,81070