Rzeszów is the capital of our region which is called Podkarpacie. Podkarpacie is the region with inhabitants. It is situated in the south-east of Poland.
Rzeszów is is a big city with the population of inhabitants. There are many hotels, restaurants, cafes and big department stores, museums, the theatre, cinemas and university in this city. A lot of young people study there.The most impressive building in Rzeszow is in the market and it is the City-hall.
The city-hall was built in 1591.The local government is there now.The city was fortified in Between 1624 and 1629 the owner of Rzeszow founded the monastery and church. It is an interesting place in Podkarpacie.
The Bieszczady mountains are in Podkarpacie. It is a very nice place in our region. The main river in The Bieszczady region is the San. The climate is rather mild. Animals that can be found in the Bieszczady: are bears, otters, bats and wolves...
Rzeszów and its surroundings
Iwonicz-Zdrój – the health resort