These materials are prepared only for the students enrolled in the course Distributed Software Development (DSD) at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Mälardalen, Västerås, Sweden and at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb, Croatia (year 2009/2010). For all other purposes, authors’ written permission is needed! The purpose of these materials is to help students in better understanding of lectures in DSD and not their replacement! NOTICE!
Distributed Software Development
TransfoREMES Release Candidate by TransfoREMES team Supervisor: Aneta Vulgarakis
Table Of Contents Project Overview Project Schedule Whats new? TransfoREMES Demo TransfoREMES Schedule TransfoREMES So Far
Project Overview Goal: Design transformation from REMES model to UML state chart model and vice versa Two implementation techniques: –ATL approach –XML parser approach
Approach using ATL
Approach using XML parsing
810/2/2015 What’s new –TransfoREMES on track –In ATL approach: Completed REMES to UML transformations Upholding extra information XSL Transformations in Stylus Studio –In XML parser approach: Completed both way transformations Developed new GUI –For both approaches: Visualizations of resulting models
TransfoREMES Demo
TransfoREMES Schedule TransfoREMES progressprogress TransfoREMErs total time investmentinvestment – hours TranfoREMES work distribution–Week 50work distribution –127.5 hours TransfoREMErs meetings since week 47 –6 meetings
TransfoREMES So Far Milestones achieved: Compared UML metamodel with REMES metamodel Completed transformation from REMES model to UML statecharts model using ATL Completed both transformations using XML parser Demonstrated transformations with an instance Designed GUI application Visualized transformations result model Documented Acceptance Test Plan
TransfoREMES So Far Problems –Visualization of our models –Trial version of Stylus Studio Future Work –Testing –Documentation Challenges –Exams!!!