Human Stem Cell Isolation and Medical Applications Brandon Marks
What are Embryonic Stem Cells? n Undifferentiated cells n Have the ability to form any adult cell n Can provide an unlimited supply of bone, muscle, and blood cells n Can be used to counteract many human diseases
Methods of Isolation: n Use of Blastocysts n Blastocysts- hollow ball of about 140 cells that are developed several days after fertilization n Originally used for assisting couples having difficulties in pregnancy
Methods of Isolation: Johns Hopkins University n Stem Cells derived from primordial germ cells n Germ Cells were taken from human tissue n Germ Cells would have become egg and sperm cells
Differentiation into Germ Lines
Cultured Stem Cells n Differentiated Cells Cultured by UW- Madison n (A) Gut n (B) Neural Cells n (C) Bone Marrow n (D) Cartilage n (E) Muscle n (F) Kidney
Medical Uses for Stem Cells n Cancer Treatment n Cell Transplantation n Direct study of human embryos n Creation of a universal donor line
Cancer Treatment n Hemapoietic stem cells found in the bone marrow and peripheral blood n Stem cells are cryogenically stored n Purification is need for reinfusion to the patient. n Result in effective recovery of the patient from a crippled immune system
Cell Transplantation n Stem cells can be grown into specialized cells n Cultured cells can be used for cell replacement and other health conditions n Can treat health conditions including Parkinson’s disease, heart conditions, spinal injury, bone marrow, burns, and diabetes
Embryo Studies n Studying human embryos allows researchers to combat birth defects, infertility and pregnancy loss n Prevention and treatment of abnormal human development n Ability to understand cancer and cell specialization
Further Studies Needed for Stem Cell Research n Finding the mechanism for cell differentiation n Finding ways to prevent the rejection of transplanted cells by the immune system n Growing cells in an immature state for differentiation purposes
Political Issues for Funding n NIH must set Federal guidelines before money can be provided for funding by government n Federal Funding to keep research within federal control and limit private sector control n Allows cooperative research for valuable scientific information
Social Issues Involved in Stem Cell Research n Creation of designer babies by gene alteration of embryos n Implementing cloned human body parts into patients