V 1.1 Programming III. Important events, properties, methods of UI elements XAML basics.


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Presentation transcript:

V 1.1 Programming III. Important events, properties, methods of UI elements XAML basics

V 1.1ÓE-NIK, 2015 Important events, properties, methods of UI elements Input (inherited from System.Windows.UIElement) –Visibility, IsVisible –Focusable, IsFocused – can receive keyboard input –IsHitTestVisible – using mouse or other device –IsEnabled – if not, then „greyed out” –AllowDrop –CommandBindings – pure MVVM – not in our schedule –IsTabStop, TabIndex 2

V 1.1ÓE-NIK, 2015 Important events, properties, methods of UI elements Input (inherited from System.Windows.UIElement) –IsMouseOver –IsMouseCaptured AreAnyTouchesOver, …Captured … IsStylusOver, …Captured … –CaptureMouse(), CaptureStylus(), CaptureTouch() – Independent from the location of the input device –ReleaseMouseCapture(), ReleaseStylusCapture(), ReleaseTouchCapture() – Turn off the input capture –Focus() – This is for the keyboard input only 3

V 1.1ÓE-NIK, 2015 Important events, properties, methods of UI elements Input (inherited from System.Windows.UIElement) –KeyDown –KeyUp –MouseDown, MouseLeftButtonDown, MouseRightButtonDown … –MouseUp, MouseLeftButtonUp, MouseRightButtonUp … –MouseEnter –MouseLeave –MouseMove –MouseWheel –MouseDoubleClick –Other important events: Touch events (Touch…), Stylus events (Stylus…) Drag&drop events (Drag…) –Special methods for the manipulation of event handlers RaiseEvent(), AddHandler(), RemoveHandler() 4

V 1.1ÓE-NIK, 2015 Important events, properties, methods of UI elements Load (inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement) –Initialized – After the execution of the constructor, all properties are set –Loaded – Layout and data binding are fully completed, before display –IsInitialized, IsLoaded 5

V 1.1ÓE-NIK, 2015 Important events, properties, methods of UI elements Basic style (inherited from System.Windows.FrameworkElement) –(Max/Min/-)Height, (Max/Min/-)Width –Margin – outside the element –Padding – inside the element –Triggers – pure MVVM – not in our schedule –Language –BringIntoView() – e.g. if scrolled outside 6

V 1.1ÓE-NIK, 2015 Important events, properties, methods of UI elements Advanced style (inherited from System.Windows.Controls.Control) –Background, Foreground –BorderBrush, BorderThickness –FontFamily, FontSize, FontStretch, FontStyle, FontWeight –HorizontalContentAlignment/VerticalContentAlignment –Template – The object that determines actually how the properties above will be used. Without a template, they have no meaning. A default template exists for all visible controls 7

V 1.1ÓE-NIK, 2015 Important events, properties, methods of UI elements Content (inherited from ContentControl) –Content –HasContent –ContentStringFormat, ContentTemplate – affects how the content is displayed 8

V 1.1ÓE-NIK, 2015 Important events, properties, methods of UI elements Content (inherited from ItemsControl) –Items, ItemsSource –HasItems –ItemStringFormat, ItemTemplate – affects how the individual items are displayed (ItemTemplate is the only template we’ll use this semester) –IsTextSearchEnabled, IsTextSearchCaseSensitive 9

V 1.1ÓE-NIK, 2015 Important events, properties, methods of UI elements Naturally all the classes have specific properties/events on their own E.g: –Button: Click event –TextBox: Text property –TextBox: LineCount property –TextBox: SelectionStart, SelectionLength, SelectedText properties –TextBox: GetLineLength(), GetLineText(), ScrollToLine() methods –TextBox: Select(), Clear()… methods –RadioButton: GroupName property – defines the radiobuttons that belong to one group (only one of them can be selected) 10

V 1.1ÓE-NIK, 2015 XML (w3schools.com) Hierarchical way to describe DATA XML declaration + nodes + attributes –Nodes:... = –Attributes: within the category=“…” … 11 Everyday Italian Giada De Laurentiis Learning XML Erik T. Ray

V 1.1ÓE-NIK, 2015 XML Strict rules apply – well-formed XML! –First line: optional format specifier, with definition of encoding : –Every node can contain: Text Sub nodes Attributes –There has to be exactly one root element ( ) –Closing a tag is obligatory ( or ), with good nesting –The whole document is case-sensitive 12

V 1.1ÓE-NIK, 2015 XML The nodes and the attributes can describe an object Using nesting, we can represent hierarchy – the XML always depends on the interpretation! 13 Everyday Italian Giada De Laurentiis

V 1.1ÓE-NIK, 2015 XAML (eXtensible Application Markup Language) XML-based language, where we describe the hierarchy and the properties of.NET objects –VALID xml !!! (not only well-formed) –We can use types that are not abstract and that have a default (zero-parameter) constructor Everything in the XAML could also be written in C# (or other languages in the CLR: language-independent) In the WPF we use it to build up a GUI When compiling a XAML... –msbuild.exe attaches it into the assembly as a binary resource –.g.cs ->.baml –The InitializeComponent() loads the XAML, which is called in the constructor 14

V 1.1ÓE-NIK, 2015 XAML XAML description: C# language: The XAML nodes actually mean the creation of an instance of a.NET class The attributes change the properties / event subscriptions 15 <CheckBox Content="Automatikus mentés" Name="checkBox1" IsChecked="True" Checked="checkBox1_Checked"/> CheckBox checkBox1 = new CheckBox(); checkBox1.Content = "Automatikus mentés"; checkBox1.IsChecked = true; checkBox1.Checked += checkBox1_Checked;

V 1.1ÓE-NIK, 2015 XAML Setting the content explicitly: Property syntax: sub-node Setting the content implicitly: According to the XAML specs: the immediate children set the Content Property, but this property is not necessary the actual Content (for ItemsControl/Layout managers, the immediate children set the Items/Children property) 16 <CheckBox Content="Automatikus mentés" Name="checkBox1" IsChecked="True"/> Automatikus mentés Automatikus mentés

V 1.1ÓE-NIK, 2015 XAML More complex content Using the Property syntax Syntax error – this is NOT a ContentControl descendant, there is no Content or anything similar 17 Automatikus mentés Automatikus mentés Automatikus mentés

V 1.1ÓE-NIK, 2015 XAML With the ItemsControl, the immediate children set the Items… With layout manaagers, the immediate children set the Children 18 Collection Syntax

V 1.1ÓE-NIK, 2015 XAML Collection Syntax –More then one sub-nodes can be specified, if the given property is a collection (IList, Array, IDictionary) –ListBox.Items, Grid.Children, etc

V 1.1ÓE-NIK, 2015 XAML Attached Property Syntax 20

V 1.1ÓE-NIK, 2015 Practice exercise 21