Computer main parts
Hardware It refers to all physical parts of a computer system.
Software Is a program or application to perform specific tasks. Computer main parts
Components hardware Mouse: device that facilitates the management of a computer
Components hardware Keyboard: It is a device used to enter information into the computer in writing.
Components hardware SCREEN The monitor is commonly known as computer screen and is a peripheral that connects to the computer to display the actions and processes running. In that sense, it is key for use both as a keyboard or mouse.
PRINTER A printer is a computer peripheral device that enables a continuous range of text or graphics of documents stored in an electronic format on physical media by printing, normally on paper using ink or laser technology
HARD DISK It is a magnetic disk that can store computer data. The hard drive is the part of your computer that contains electronic information and where all programs ( software) are stored. It is one of the most important hardware components inside your PC
OPTICAL PENCIL The stylus is a computer input device, as a photosensitive wand, which can be used to target objects displayed on a CRT television or a monitor, in a similar fashion to a touch screen but with greater positional accuracy
CAMARA WEB It is a small digital camera connected to a computer which can capture images and transmit them via the Internet, either a Web page or to another computer or other privately.
SCANNER By obtaining a digital image can be corrected defects, cut a specific area of the image or also digitize text using OCR techniques. These functions can perform the same device or special applications.