Mobile Devices in the Classroom Smithfield High School
Slides Facts Advantages Disadvantages Fixing the Problems My Experience with Mobile Devices Suggested Guidelines for Students
Slides (continued) Educational Use Cost Fun Time Devices
1.Mobile devices are now working their way into classrooms. 2.They do help in learning, but can also be distracting. 3.Teachers are trying to find a way to work these devices into their classrooms.
Advantages Limits use of paper. Prevents students from loosing papers. Teachers are able to connect with their students. Students don’t have to carry heavy books around.
Disadvantages Apps and games could be distracting. Mobile devices are expensive. Technology often malfunctions.
Fixing the Problems Only allow students to download certain apps. Monitor the devices closely. Set up restrictions. Prevent breakage by using bulky cases.
My Experience with Mobile Devices Mobile devices in the classroom are very helpful. Turning in your work online is easy and fast. They are very handy and useful.
Suggested Guidelines for Students Don’t look up anything inappropriate. Don’t play games during instruction. Don’t text anyone during instruction. Buy apps with your money.
Educational Use Ways to make mobile devices educational: Note-taking and quizzing apps Sites where teachers can connect and share assignments with their students ing between students and teachers about assignments
Cost Mobile devices can be very expensive. Ask anyone who already has a device to bring theirs. Schools buying devices should be aware that doing so may lower the budget of other departments.
Fun Time Students may get bored with these devices. Allow them to have some fun time with the device. Let them download free entertainment apps.
Devices Smart Phones They are more portable. You can keep them on you. It’s harder to do work on. The screen is small. Tablets Bigger screens are easier to see. You can use a stylus. Harder to carry around. Very expensive. Choices
Getting Students Involved! Most kids spend free time with technology. Introduce this in school, and they may be more interested. Many kids already use smart devices!
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