By Nicholas Golebiewski
Stem Cells are: Undifferentiated Cells Not yet chosen cell path Types of Stem Cells Embryonic Stem Embryonic Germ Adult
Research plans to use research to eventually find cure to: Parkinson’s Diabetes Cancer Alzheimer’s Heart disease Spinal cord injuries
Research is currently hindered by: Ethical reasons Religion Politics Some fear that the research could morph into: Selling of embryos Selling of umbilical cord
President George Bush Jr. Stem cell research stopped Could not experiment on current strains of cells Based on religious influence Vetoes George Bush vetoed the bill to restart research and continue gathering embryos Bill gave strict instructions on how embryos would be gathered Restrictions later overturned by President Barack Obama
Pros of Stem Cell Research Could produce cures for many currently incurable diseases Can be used in therapy Cons Embryo is destroyed in harvesting of Cells “Unethical”