Stem cells A basic overview
Stem cells – What is it? Stem cells are cells that can differentiate into any kind of tissue in the body. Unlike the rest of the cells in the body they can ’go where they are needed’ and function accordingly. They are present in the entire body throughout our life. Please look at this site for a brief explanation:
Stem cells – How do they work? Stem cells use the same ”communication” system as the immune system. They act on signals from the immune system (i.e. when you have an infection, inflammation, injury or tissue breakdown). These signals triggers the stem cells function to migrate to the affected site and to start differentiating in order to repair and/or strenghten.
Stem cells – Why do they fail? When you age (or are affected by different stress factors) the efficacy of the stem cells goes down. As an example, wounds heal faster when one is younger There are several reasons for the stem cells to decrease in response during ageing. One of the main reasons is that the immune systems’ ability to communicate with the body and the environment becomes less efficient. This can be due to age, sickness, diet, genes, allopatic medications, stress factors, radiation etc.
Stem Cells – What they do Since stem cells communicate in the same manner as the immune system, it is adviable to enhance your immune communication systems. Please look at the ppt ”Stem Cells – Advanced” for further understanding. The more the immune system is able to function (enhanced in action and suppressed in rest) the better it will be optimized. We call this ”immuno-elasticity”. The immune system needs to be able to ”speed up” when needed and ”slow down” when necessary. A chronic high or low level will be hazardous for the body.
Stem Cells – Commonly practised A lot of centres are now offering stem cell treatments. The vast majority is giving the patients an injectable drug to extract numereous stem cells from the bone marrow into the blood stream. This will significally increase the number of stem cells circulating in the body temporarily. Then, the cells are subjected to apharesis and counted before reinjecting. It has been shown in studies that stem cells that are not activated by the signals from the immune system will revert to the bone marrow unused. Most likely this will not give the patient any long term benefit.
Stem Cells Transplant- How Our group of researchers has developed a protocol for an individualized stem cell treatment that has been clinically proven to be successful. The corner stones in this protocol is: 1. The patients objectives’ (what do they want to achieve)? 2. Priming the body’s immune system in order to achieve success after reinjection 3. Withdraw the bodys own stem cells, expand and ”mature” them into the desired function type. 4. Reinjecting the stem cells after one week and continue to prime the body
Stem Cells – Advantages of this protocol With our protocol the patient will: 1. Use their own stem cells. Without use of any allopatic pharmaceuticals. 2. Optimize the bodys ”immuno-elasticity” in order to cope with infections, inflammations, injuries and regeneration of the organs. 3. Use a clinically proven protocol that has gradually been improved over 25 years. 4. Have no risk of developing reactions against the reinjected stem cells (it is their own cells).
Stem Cells – limitations This protocol can, at the moment, only be performed in Germany. The travel itself can be a stress factor. We have made sure the treatment is performed over a week in a very relaxed and serene surrounding.
Stem Cells - Indications This treatment is suitable for most of the degenerative diseases eg. - Cardiovascular diseases -Type 1 and 2 diabetes -Cancer in remission -Hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver -HIV/AIDS -Autoimmune diseases eg. reumatoid arthritis, ellergies, excema, psoriasis, uveitis, ankylosing spondylitis, SLE, MS -Geriatrics