Applying standards Assessment in Music (Associate Professor Don Lebler, Griffith University’s Conservatorium of Music) Hunters and Gatherers (Dr Romy Lawson, James Cook University) (Professors Sue Jones, Brian Yates & Jonathan Holmes, University of Tasmania)
Assessment in Music (Associate Professor Don Lebler, Griffith University’s Conservatorium of Music) ( ‘Assessment in Music: An approach to aligning assessment with Threshold Learning Outcomes in the creative and performing arts’
Hunters and Gatherers (Dr Romy Lawson, James Cook University) ‘Assurance of Learning involves making our expectations for what a student can do on completion of a program explicit, setting criteria and standards, systematically gathering, analysing and interpreting the evidence to determine how well performance matches those expectations. It can be seen as the answers to the following questions: 1.What will our students learn in our program? What are our expectations? 2.How will they learn it? 3.How will we know they have learned it or not? 4.What will we do if they have not learned it? 5.If they have not learned it, how will we try to fix this?’ The background literature includes a downloadable pdf of Professor Beverley Oliver’s ALTC-supported Assuring Graduate Outcomes paper.
Applying standards (Professors Sue Jones, Brian Yates & Jonathan Holmes, University of Tasmania) This project is a University -wide project that aims to include graduate learning outcomes in all UTAS degrees and for there to be a strong evidence-base for their reporting. A good practice guide is currently being developed which will operate in tandem with the University’s previously published, and excellent, Guide to Good Assessment - a document that underpins the University’s commitment to criterion- referenced assessment.
Evidencing standards Work on implementation is being conducted as the ‘After Standards: Engaging and Embedding History’s Standards using International Best Practice to Inform Curriculum Renewal’ project Associate Professor Sean Brawley, Associate Dean, Learning and Teaching, Faculty of Arts, University of New South Wales Details at
Evidencing standards ‘Achievement matters: External peer review of Accounting Learning Standards’ Associate Professor Mark Freeman, Discipline Scholar, Business, University of Sydney Details at
Commonwealth of Australia Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency Act 2011 Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2011 Chapter 3: PROVIDER COURSE ACCREDITATION STANDARDS [pp15-16]
Standards for each higher education award 1 Course design is appropriate and meets the Qualification Standards 2 Course resourcing and information is adequate 3 Admission criteria are appropriate 4 Teaching and learning are of high quality 5 Assessment is effective and expected student learning outcomes are achieved 6 Course monitoring, review, updating and termination are appropriately managed
Course design is appropriate and meets the Qualification Standards