PRISM An Infrastructure Project for Climate Research in Europe by Nils ECMWF Contributions by A. Caubel, P. Constanza, D. Declat, J. Latour, V. Gayler, E. Guilyardi, C. Larsson, S. Legutke, R. Redler, H. Ritzdorf, T. Schoenemeyer, S. Valcke, R. Vogelsang and many others in the PRISM community... ESMF 3 rd Community Meeting, Boulder, July 15, 2004
Overview What is PRISM? European Interest, partners PRISM Objectives PRISM Model Components PRISM Approach Architecture and User Interface Current Status and Perspective
What is PRISM? PRogram for Integrated Earth System Modelling A European project for climate modelling involving 22 partners, 12/2001 – 12/2004 Funded by the European Commission (4.8 M€) Involves state-of-the-art atmosphere, ocean, sea- ice, atmospheric chemistry, land-surface and ocean-biogeochemistry models
PRISM partners MPI-M, Germany (Guy Brasseur, coordinator) KNMI, The Netherlands (Gerbrand Komen, co- coordinator) MPI-M&D, Germany MetOffice, United Kingdom UREADMY, United Kingdom IPSL, France Météo-France, France CERFACS, France DMI, Denmark SHMI, Sweden NERSC, Norway CSCS/ETH, Switzerland INGV, Italy MPI-BGC, Germany PIK, Germany ECMWF UCL-ASTR, Belgium NEC-ESS, Germany FECIT/Fujitsu, France SGI, Germany SUN, Germany NEC-CCRLE, Germany
Help scientists to spend more time on science Provide software infrastructure to easily assemble earth system coupled models based on existing state-of-art components models launch/monitor complex/ensembles earth system simulations access, analyse and share results across wide community Define and promote technical and scientific standards for Earth System modelling
Technical and scientific standards Scientific: Global parameters Physical interfaces Technical: Coupler and I/O Data format and grids Architecture and User Interface Diagnostics and visualization Coding and quality
PRISM model components Atmosphere: Météo-France (ARPEGE), MPG-IMET (ECHAM), IPSL (LMDZ), MetOffice (Unified Model), UREADMY, INGV Atmospheric Chemistry: MPG-IMET, UREADMY, IPSL, MetOffice, Météo-France, KNMI Land Surface: IPSL (Orchidée), MetOffice, MPG- IMET, UREADMY, Météo-France (ISBA) Sea Ice: NERSC, UCL-ASTR, MetOffice, IPSL, MPG-IMET Ocean Biogeochemistry: MPI-BGC, IPSL, MPG- IMET, MetOffice Ocean: UREADMY, MetOffice (FOAM), MPI-M (HOPE), IPSL (OPA/ORCA) Regional Climate: SHMI, DMI, MetOffice Coupler: CERFACS, NEC, CCRLE, FECIT, SGI, MPI-MAD
ESMF - PRISM PRISM ESMF Running environment Superstructure User code Code Infrastructure
Coupling software and its evolution in PRISM Coupler: OASIS 3.0/4.0 (~10 years experience) Prism system model interface library: PSMILe MPI1 or MPI2 direct communication between models with same grid otherwise repartitioning using a transformer modularity: prism_put() and prism_get() to implement in existing models
OASIS coupler: Ocean Atmosphere Sea Ice Soil Historical review: Developed since 1991 in CERFACS to couple existing GCMs. At the time: Models at relatively low resolution (~ pts) Small number of 2D coupling fields (~10) Low coupling frequency (~once/day) flexibility was very important, efficiency not so much! |-- |--- PRISM OASIS 1 OASIS 2 OASIS3 OASIS4
CGAM-Reading (UK) HadAM3 - ORCA2 Southampton University (UK) Inter. Atm -OCCAM lite UCL (Belgium) LMDz - CLIO SMHI (Sweden) ECHAM - RCARCA(region.) – RCO(region.) U. of Bergen (Norway) MM5 -ROMS KNMI (Netherlands) ECHAM5 -MPI-OM DMI (Danemark) ECHAM -HIRLAM INGV (Italy) ECHAM5 – MPI-OM IRI (USA) ECHAM4 - MOM3 JAMSTEC (Japan) ECHAM4 -OPA 8.2 BMRC (Australia) BAM - MOM4BAM3 - ACOM2 U. of Tasmania (Australia)Data Atm. -MOM4 CAS,IIT Delhi (India)MM5 - POM OASIS community
Oasis2 and Oasis3 Flexibility, modularity: Coupler and PSMILe act according to user-defined coupling configuration (text file): number of models and coupling fields coupling frequencies and transformations for each field I/O or coupling mode (transparent for model) Mono-process coupler 2D scalar coupling fields interpolation (SCRIP1.4) PRISM System Model Interface Library PSMILe coupling fields exchange (MPI1 & MPI2) I/O actions (GFDL mpp_io) A A A file A A A O O O O Oasis3
Oasis4 – new demands Higher resolution, parallel and scalable models Higher coupling frequencies desirable Higher number of models and (3D) coupling fields Massively parallel platforms Need to optimise and parallelise the coupler
OASIS4 is composed of: a Driver a Transformer a new PRISM System Model Interface Library
Interface and data flow
MPI parallel communication including repartitioning parallel multigrid 3D neighbourhood search and calculation of communication patterns in each source process PSMILe extraction of useful part of source field only OASIS4 OB C C C O1 C C parallel I/O: single file, distributed files: GFDL mpp_io parallel file: parNetCDF parallel Transformer: loops over PSMILe requests flexibility and modularity same as Oasis3 T OB C C C O2 C C
Driver T OCE ATM LAND fileV4 Definition Phase OCE PMIOD V1: out, metadata V1 V2: in, metadata V2 ATM PMIOD V1: in, metadata V1 V2: out, metadata V2 V3: out, metadata V3 LAND PMIOD V3: in, metadata V3 V4: in, metadata V4 ATM-LAND AD OCE AD OCE SMIOC V1 : to ATM, T1 to file V1 V2 : from ATM, T2 user ATM SMIOC V1 : from OCE, T1 V2: to OCE, T2 V3 : to LAND user LAND SMIOC V3 : from ATM V4 : from fileV4 user Composition Phase user SCC ATM:... OCE:... LAND:... user Deployment Phase V1 V2 V3 fileV1 V4
Oasis – Current status OASIS3_prism_2-2 available OASIS4 prototype available OASIS4 final PRISM version due 12/2004
File formats and grids NetCDF for grid and restart auxiliary files CF convention under development, extending the COARDS conventions XML for model and script meta-data input (Fortran namelist and shell replacement)
System Architecture and User Interface PRISM architecture to provide an efficient climate modelling infrastructure to users and developers through: Standardised interfaces Remote functionality Centralised administration Distributed resources
Standard compile (SCE) and run environment (SRE) Finalizing the SCE and SRE for the PRISM models The system comprises 15 models (arpege_climat4 echam5 hamocc lim lmdz mozart mpi-om oasis3 opa orchidee pisces toy4opa toyatm toyche toyoce) which are adapted to a varying degree to the PRISM standards and can run in several combinations. Most of the models have been tested on a variety of platforms (NEC (SX), SGI (MIPS or IA64SGI), FUJITSU (VPP), IBM (power4)) A tedious task without flashy graphics but very useful !!!
PrepIFS – earth system modeling via the Internet …
OASIS4 – GUI support XML designed to be read by machines not humans !!!
SMS/WebCdp job scheduling and monitoring Complex automated scheduling Macro-parallelism Flexible inter- dependencies Interactive control Visual structure of large systems Used for all operational and research activities at ECMWF ( ~10 years)
Further tools … Diagnostics – Prism processing and visualization software (COCO, CDAT/VCS and VTK), at ECMWF MARS/Vis5D/Metview Web GUI – database and diagnostics web interface using web-access server technology, (DODS and LAS), at ECMWF Web-MARS
A PRISM sustained team Document by PRISM Steering Group proposing establishment of a PRISM sustained team of 7 people sent to European Climate modelling Community (June 04) First preparation meeting: August 17 th, 2004 Target: Signature of Consortium Agreement: 01/2005 MPI (Germany), CERFACS (France), ECMWF (EU), CNRS (France), MetOffice (UK), NCAS(UK), CCRLE (Germany) already expressed strong interest. Additional FP6 funding (March 2005)? Enthusiasm is still high !!!
Further information
Access and use of XML information Coupling and I/O of n parallel applications with m components. Coupling exchange with repartitioning, direct or through the Transformer Interpolations: PSMILe (non-exact) parallel neighbourhood search 3D 2D nearest-neighbour, 3D linear, 2D linear I/O: single and parallel mode Coupling and I/O exchange from one source to many targets Local transformations (scatter, gather, add or mult scalar, statistics) Basic time transformation (average, accumul, min, max) Oasis4: in the prototype (05/2004)
PSMILe API for model access to SCC and SMIOC information Interpolation: More schemes (conservative, 3D, etc.) Exact parallel neighbour search Transformer parallelisation (almost completed) Field reduction, combination Full support of vector and bundle fields (I/O OK) I/O: distributed mode (parNetCDF) Adaptive grids Unstructured grids Oasis4: still to be done