“New methods, new focus, new style”
“No more nine lessons of boredom – students fully engaged.”
“TESS has provoked a great deal of discussion about teaching and learning in the department. It has made staff think much more about the engagement of pupils in their lessons”
“I love teaching to a theme, it makes learning realistic and life-like and gives a reason to why Science should be studied”
“It has put an end to the Y7 dip in attainment and progress and the Y8 dip in enthusiasm.”
“Since teaching TESS I haven’t heard “why do we have to learn Science?””
“The TESS group has been fantastic collaborative CPD and sharing of good practice. The scheme provides many resources that are all inclusive.”
“TESS has put the fun back into Science for both staff and pupils. The thematic approach gives us both focus and flexibility allowing us to develop independent, confident learners.”
“I like working together as a team.”
“After the first collaborative planning session I felt the zing had been put back into teaching.”
“The work we do is fun because we have different kinds of lessons about different things. I like watching the film and news clips on the topics we do.”
“I like being given a couple of weeks to do a project because I enjoy working hard on something. It is different from what we did in primary.”
“I like Science because it’s fun!”
“TESS has been a pioneering journey for all of those involved. The approach to constructing the scheme of learning has demanded rigor, imagination, perserverance and collaboration. The end result has exceeded expectations and the staff involved have really sharpened their understanding and pedagogy. TESS has been a superb project to be involved with.”
“I think Science is good because you do many different things to other lessons.”
“The students have found thematic learning exciting and inspiring.”
“I liked when we work in groups because it helps to get to know who you’re working with a bit better.”
“We get to do things individually instead of together, but I do like to do the project work and teach the class.”
“I liked it when the Rocket Rev came in and when I learned about my body.”
“Bonfire Night was really exciting, especially the sparklers.”
“I like it when we do projects and we are allowed to prepare and present our work how we want to. I like it when we get to teach the rest of the class.”
“I like the fun that we have when we get to teach our friends and when we get to interact with the different subjects we do in a Science lesson.”
“The best thing we did in Science was the transplant debate because I got to speak my mind.”
“I’d like to do Science everyday.”
“I like the Science lessons when we do big, long experiments and when we do projects.”
“I like Science because I enjoy doing experiments in groups and when we do research and investigations. I also like it when we have debates and we have to put pur own opinions across.”
“I like how my teacher explains things to me.”