Publications, Planning and Review Subcommittee Update Darryll J. Pines, chair Committee Members Present: Vigor Yang, Dimitri Mavris, Jeffrey Schroeder (N/A0, Bill Oberkampf, Elaine Oran, Barbara Williams (N/A) AIAA Staff Present: Heather Brennan, Rodger Williams, Michelle Dominiac
2 Issues Discussed PPR Meeting Journal/Book Review Discussed balance in review process between strategic and operational Journal of Systems Engineering (Need your Approval to move forward) Special Issue on Systems Engineering in Journal of Aircraft Develop a Blog for the Aerospace Systems Community Categorize and maintain a set of documents that involve Best Practices in Systems Engineering for Aerospace. (e.g like NASA-TM, and TR) Maintain a repository of Keynote Presentations in Systems Maintain a repository of ad-hoc annotated presentations. Article Commenting Now available for authors and AIAA Parameters for Considering New Journals need updating Discussed partnering with other organizations to jointly carry and maintain their journals ATM published quarterly, and Space Quarterly
Famous and Inspiring Quotes “Lets us consider this an opportunity to exercise our wisdom” “Who is going to carry the torch to the destination” 3 Vigor Yang, Distinguished Vice President of Publications