Vedrana Spajic-Vrkas 1 Implementation of the Human Values – IHLR Programme in the Croatian elementary & secondary schools: Research results International seminar of the Red Cross, Zagreb, August, 2012 Prof. Vedrana Spajić-Vrkaš, Ph.D. Ines Potočić RTC Human Rights and Democratic Citizenship, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences University of Zagreb
Vedrana Spajic-Vrkas2 Starting points IHL - a set of rules which seek, for the humanitarian reasons, to limit the effects of armed conflict (the law of war or of armed conflict). IHL - a set of rules which seek, for the humanitarian reasons, to limit the effects of armed conflict (the law of war or of armed conflict). IHL protects persons who are not or are no longer participating in the hostilities and restricts the means and methods of warfare. IHL protects persons who are not or are no longer participating in the hostilities and restricts the means and methods of warfare. IHL is part of international law, including HR law IHL is part of international law, including HR law The HV-IHLR Programme is implemented in Croatian schools as part of the National HRE Programme The HV-IHLR Programme is implemented in Croatian schools as part of the National HRE Programme The aims of the programme are the following: The aims of the programme are the following: –to familiarise the students with the concepts of principles of IHL, including the relation of violence and war to democracy –make them sensitive to the rule of law in war and armed conflicts –develop conflict-management skills –promote participation, engagement and non-violent civic culture
Vedrana Spajic-Vrkas3 Main aim of the study The evaluation of outcomes of the implementation of the HV-IHLR Programme in Croatian elementary and secondary schools: The evaluation of outcomes of the implementation of the HV-IHLR Programme in Croatian elementary and secondary schools: –students’ interest in joining the programme –students’ knowledge about IHL –students’ attitudes about the IHL-related issues prior and after the programme
Vedrana Spajic-Vrkas4 The sample Number of schools included in the programme: Number of schools included in the programme: –Elementary: 9 –Secondary: 17 School level Total No. of schools (students) surveyed INFIN Elementary 6 (202) 6 (160) Secondary 14 (376) 14 (361) Total 20 (578) 20 (421)
Vedrana Spajic-Vrkas5 The content of the questionnaire Independent variables: Independent variables: –sex –age –school level –class Dependent variables: Dependent variables: –Interest for attending the programme –Expectattions from the programme in terms of learning outcomes –Associations of war –Knowledge about IHL –Opinions and attitudes about the causes of war, the preconditions for reducing the threat of war, the best ways to reduce suffering when the war could not be avoided, etc., prior and after the programme –Behaviour in controversial (risk) situations prior and after the programme (street fight, harassment of a shy student, a peer taking drugs) and participation in civic and political activities)
Vedrana Spajic-Vrkas6 RESULTS
Vedrana Spajic-Vrkas11 Knowledge: elementary school IN-FIN IN - Mean=12,71FIN - Mean=15,05 Min=0 Max=26
Vedrana Spajic-Vrkas12 Knowledge: secondary school IN-FIN Min=0 Max=26 IN - Mean=13,76FIN – Mean=17,73 IN FIN
Vedrana Spajic-Vrkas13 Index (level) of knowledge - KL Max = 27 scores Max = 27 scores –Low KL:0-9 –Middle KL: –High KL: 19-27
Vedrana Spajic-Vrkas14 IN
Vedrana Spajic-Vrkas15 Associations of war Fear dominantly (no difference between IN & FIN but: Fear dominantly (no difference between IN & FIN but: –between sexes: Fs associate war more with calamity & disaster Fs associate war more with calamity & disaster Ms associate war more with casualty school level) Ms associate war more with casualty school level) –between school levels
Vedrana Spajic-Vrkas16
Vedrana Spajic-Vrkas17
Vedrana Spajic-Vrkas18 Preconditions for reducing the threat of war: factor dimensions: Secondary school FIN civic competence strong democracy
Vedrana Spajic-Vrkas19 Compliance with selected statements: Factor dimensions: Secondary school FIN nationalism pluralism authoritarianism elitism The honourable obligation of every person is to defend its country Minority cultures enrich the society In some situations the state must control media Great leaders change the world, not the masses
Vedrana Spajic-Vrkas20 Behaviour in a controversial (risk) situation
Vedrana Spajic-Vrkas21 Participation: faktor dimension: elementary school Student as a participative citizen Student as an engaged citizen Student as a private citizen Participate in decision making in school Contribute to humanitarian action Participate in family decision making
Vedrana Spajic-Vrkas22 Participation: faktor dimension: secondary school FIN Student as a humanitarian activit Student as a partcipative citizen Student as a civil activist Voluntary helped a disabled person Solved a classroom problem by active participation in discussion Informed local politician about the community problem
Vedrana Spajic-Vrkas23