Domestic Politics Foreign Debates Youth Activism Civil RightsPresidentsPotpourri $ 100 $ 100$100 $ 100 $ 100 $200 $ 200$200 $ 200$200 $500 $ 500$500 $ 500 $ 500 $ 500 $600 $ 600$600 $ 600 $ 600 $ 600 $1 000$1000 $ 1000 $ 1000 $ 1000 $ 1000
Final Jeopardy Youth Activism
Final Jeopardy answer Write a Thesis: In what ways did the student movement and counterculture shape the 1960s and 1970s? 37
$100 Occupational Safety and Health Administration Nixon's bill enforcing health and safety standards in the workplace
$200 True : 1971 True or False: Nixon took the United States off the gold standard
$500 Whip Inflation Now Ford’s failed voluntary price restraint program
$600 Alaska Lands Act The Act setting aside 100 million acres of public land for parks and wildlife centers in 1978
$1000 Stagflation Term for a recession of social and economic issues that are accompanied by price inflation
$100 Iran- Contra Affair Scandal beginning in the Regan presidency when US government sold arms to Iran
$200 YES Was the British band, The Beatles, the greatest band of the 1960s
$500 Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT II) Treaty that froze nuclear missiles for 5 years leveling the the strategic field
$600 Camp David Accords The peace agreement between Israel and Egypt in 1978
$1000 SALT I Act limiting nuclear arsenals of US &USSR
$100 Students for Democratic Society (SDS) Radical, activist student organization for an increase in political life
$200 Woodstock Festival Concert celebrating peace and harmony
$500 Kent State University Youth rebellion on this campus against US involvements in Cambodia
$600 (VARIES) Do your own thing and what feels good. Ideology of the Youth?
$1000 “Me Decade” The era after the defeat in Vietnam and economic down turn
$100 Civil Rights Act of 1964 Act outlawing racial discrimation in public areas
$200 homosexuality This was deemed as a mental disorder and those “infected” went to mental hospitals
$500 Women’s Strike for Equality Parade for equal employment and safe legal abortions for women
$600 Shelters for abused women, rape crisis centers, daycare Types of programs set to help women
$1000 No more discrimination, women's entry into military academies Name 2 freedoms allowed by the Equal Rights Amendment
$100 China Nixon traveled to this county to improve foreign trade
$200 Human Rights Jimmy Carter’s focus in presidency
$500 Nixon, Carter, Ford The 3 major presidents during
$600 Watergate Scandal Name of the scandal centralized around Nixon’s campaign and fraud
$1000 Gerald Ford Under his presidency the US cargo ship Mayaguez was seized by Cambodia
$100 Counterculture Culture so radically different from mainstream assumptions (almost a barbarian movement)
$200 Three Mile Island Nuclear power plant meltdown in Pennsylvania fueling environmental worries
$500 Roe vs. Wade Famous court case concerning women's’ safe and legal abortions
$600 Berkeley Free Speech Movement Coalition of student groups for the right to campus political activity
$1000 The Feminine Mystique Betty Friedan’s feminist book critiquing female domesticity
Daily Double Apollo 11 Name of the space ship that successfully landed on the Moon
Let’s hear it for the Jeopardy champions!