SS3H2 The student will discuss the lives of Americans who expanded people’s rights and freedoms in a democracy. a. Paul Revere (independence), Frederick Douglass (civil rights), Susan B. Anthony (women’s rights), Mary McLeod Bethune (education), Franklin D. Roosevelt (New Deal and World War II), Eleanor Roosevelt (United Nations and human rights), Thurgood Marshall (civil rights), Lyndon B. Johnson (Great Society and voting rights), and César Chávez (workers’ rights).
Born October 11, 1884 Was Theodore Roosevelt’s niece Met her fifth cousin, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, on New Years Day in 1903 They were engaged in November 1904 and were married on March 17, 1905 Theodore Roosevelt gave Eleanor away at the wedding The married couple settled in New York City They had six children, but five that lived past infancy
Eleanor often travelled with her husband to his speeches and when he became ill with Polio in the 1920’s, she would sometimes step in and speak for him. She was nicknamed his “eyes and ears”. Eleanor became a very influential person of the Democratic party and helped her husband become governor of New York. Eleanor was the First Lady from 1933 to 1945 and she continued on with volunteering and making public appearances. Mrs. Roosevelt was also very involved with reading and writing and wrote for a newspaper column called “My Day”.
Greatly involved with Civil Rights Wanted to help the working woman Delegate of the United Nations Eleanor was a very important author, activist, speaker, and politician
A Letter to Mrs. Roosevelt by C. Coco De Young Eleanor Roosevelt: A Very Special First Lady by Barbara Silberdick Feinberg Eleanor Roosevelt: First Lady of the World by David Winner Amelia and Eleanor Go for a Ride: Based on a True Story by Pam Munoz Ryan Eleanor Everywhere by Monica Kulling Olivia Saves the Circus by Ian Falconer Learning about Integrity From the Life of Eleanor Roosevelt by Nancy Ellwood