Mechanical Ventilation in the ICU: What You Need to Know Behrouz Jafari, M.D Pulmonary/Critical Care and Sleep Medicine UCI-VA Long Beach
Mechanical Ventilation NIPPV When to intubate Setting the ventilator Complications of mechanical ventilation Weaning
What type of respiratory support should Case Study 65-year-old with COPD exacerbation using accessory muscles and wheezing after 2 bronchodilator treatments HR 110/min, BP 160/110 mm Hg, RR 30/min, T 99F ABG on 3 L/min O2: pH 7.24, PCO2 60 mm Hg, PO2 65 mm Hg Present case and then reveal question. Ask what is the main problem-- oxygenation or ventilation. As students respond, note that positive pressure ventilation may be noninvasive or invasive. Note that noninvasive ventilation may be an appropriate trial for this patient. What type of respiratory support should be initiated?
NPPV: Evidence-Based Recommendations: Recommended (1A) » Severe COPD exacerbation (pH < 7.35) » Cardiogenic pulmonary edema No shock or ACS requiring revascularization Suggested (2B-‐2C) » Immunocompromised hypoxemic RF (2C) » Post-‐op respiratory failure (2C) abdominal, lung resection » Facilitation of extubation in high-‐risk or COPD Keenan et al. Can Med Assoc J 2011
NIPPV Contraindications Poor Mental Status Excess Secretions Severe Respiratory Failure Shock Inability to Protect Airway
How should the patient be monitored? Case Study ABG on 3L/min O2: pH 7.24, PaCO2 60 mm Hg, PaO2 65 mm Hg HR 110/min, BP 160/110 mm Hg, RR 30/min First question about goals of respiratory support appears with case information. Decrease work of breathing Improve oxygenation Improve ventilation Reveal next question and discuss NPPV settings, how TV is determined and how IPAP and EPAP affect oxygenation and ventilation. Flip chart could be used to write down student suggestions. Set FIO2 at 1.00 Hypoxemic failure: Inspiratory pressure (IPAP) 10 cm H2O, expiratory pressure (EPAP) 5 cm H2O, titrate EPAP and IPAP in 2 cm H2O increments Ventilatory failure: IPAP 10 and EPAP 4 cm H2O, titrate IPAP in 2 cm H2O increments Make changes every 15-30 minutes Reveal question on monitoring. Vital signs, appearance, pulse oximetry and blood gases If there is time, ask students where patient should be admitted. How should the patient be monitored?
NPPV: Monitoring Patient Ventilator Setting Mask comfort Tolerance Resp distress RR, VS » Accessory muscle use » Abdominal paradox Ventilator Air leak Adequacy of IPAP (Vt), EPAP Pt-‐vent synchrony SpO2; ABG (2 hr) Setting » ICU to start »SDU if stable
What predicts success or failure? Case Study After 1 hr of NPPV, the patient has not improved Arterial blood gas on 40% O2: pH 7.20, PaCO2 65 mm Hg, PaO2 58 mm Hg HR 120/min, BP 142/98 mm Hg, RR 40 /min What is the next step? What predicts success or failure? Review new case information before revealing question. Discuss reasons for failure of NPPV and need for intubation. Clinical worsening No improvement of ABG in 1-2 hrs Therapeutic goals not reached
NPPV: Predictors of Failure COPD » pH < 7.25 » RR > 35/min » Severely ill » Asynchrony » GCS < 11 » Poor tolerance Hypoxemic Resp Fail » ALI/ARDS » Severely ill » Metabolic acidosis » P/F < 150 after 1h of NPPV » Pneumonia » Shock Hill et al. Crit Care Med 2007;35:2402-7
NPPV: Predictors of Failure COPD » pH < 7.25 » RR > 35/min » Severely ill » Asynchrony » GCS < 11 » Poor tolerance Hypoxemic Resp Fail » ALI/ARDS » Severely ill » Metabolic acidosis » P/F < 150 after 1h of NPPV » Pneumonia » Shock Hill et al. Crit Care Med 2007;35:2402-7
Case Study Orotracheal intubation is performed What ventilator mode should be selected? What tidal volume is optimum? What rate of ventilation should be set? Note that now several settings must be chosen on the ventilator. Before answering questions, some background information is needed. Proceed to next slides before discussing.
Invasive Mechanical Ventilation
Breath Characteristics Trigger, Target, Cycle Triggering Cycling Respiratory Cycle Expiration Inspiration Time (sec) Airway Pressure (cm H2O) Discuss determinants of triggering for initiation of inspiration and cycling for termination of inspiration Triggering: drop in airway pressure or diversion of a constant gas flow Cycling: volume, decrease in flow rate or elapsed time Reveal text on types of breaths for discussion. Volume-cycled breath--Preset tidal volume Time-cycled breath--Pressure control breath, constant pressure for preset time Flow-cycled breath--Pressure support breath, constant pressure during inspiration
Breath characteristics Trigger Controlled - machine timer Assisted/supported - patient effort Pressure trigger: Pt effort pressure drop in vent circuit vent response Flow trigger – pt effort draws gas out of a continuous flow through the vent circuit vent response Let’s start with Trigger:is either controlled breath which means the machine timer does it, or is an asissted breath which means patient effort triggered the breath. There are 2 types of trigger , pressure trigger which trigger by change in pressure in circuit (pt effortdrop in pressurevent response). The other common trigger is flow trigger (there is continuous flow of air in the system if pt effortsome flow divert to pt vent response) . Many vent today have both and each one can trigger response.
Breath characteristics Gas Delivery (Target) Now once the breath is triggered , there are 2 basic ways of delivering gas. Here on the left I have flow targeted modes and on the right pressure targeted modes , so here we have a set flow in the system . u set flow of 1 lit/s or 2 lt/sec and machine will deliver no matter what. No matter what your compliance, no matter what your resistance or pt effort is, it will deliver 1 lit /sec. and these are usually couples with volume cycle mechanisms and now airway pressure is dependent variable . So if compliance or resistance gets worse pressure will rise. Over right we have pressure target breath , so machine change the flow and volume to get that set pressure so now flow and vol are dependent variables, if complaince, resistance changes then flow and vol changes
Breath characteristics Cycle (turning breath off) Three common types reach set volume reach set time reach certain flow reduction But what a bout turning the breath off, (cycle) : there common ways : set vol after reach 500 vol then machine stops, which is typical in flow targeted breath. In pressure target there are two ways either set a timer give set pressure for 01 sec 02 sec, or you can have certain flow reduction what does it mean. As you pressurerized the lung the lung expand , flow decrease and to certain point that machine stop the delivery . Airway pressure is a back up is a safety mechnism u don’t want to over pressure the lung
5 Basic Breath It is busy but summarize in your vent today . When I called 5 basic breath here , when u look at trigger, target and cycle u can describe these 5 basic breath . Trigger is either timer or patient effort , target is flow or pressure and cycle is either time , volume or flow. So vol controlled breath is machine turns it on is flow targeted and volume cycle. Vol assist is effort triggered , flow targeted and vol cycled The pressure controlled breath is time trigered pressure targeted and time cycled Pressure asisst breath is pt trigerred pressure targeted and time cycled . Do we have this? Yes. You can even set rate at 0 but still patient triger breath, pressure targeted and time cycled, so very much like PSV except is time cycled rather than flow cycled. In PSV is effort, pressure, and flow These are five basic breath. Now if you mix them with spontanous breath you can describ all modes in MV.
5 Basic Breath It is busy but summarize in your vent today . When I called 5 basic breath here , when u look at trigger, target and cycle u can describe these 5 basic breath . Trigger is either timer or patinet effort , target is flow or pressure and cycle is either time , volume or flow. So vol controlled breath is machine turns it on is flow targeted and volume cycle. Vol assist is effort triggered , flow targeted and vol cycled The pressure controlled breath is time trigered pressure targeted and time cycled Pressure asisst breath is pt trigerred pressure targeted and time cycled . Do we have this? Yes. You can even set rate at 0 but still patient triger breath, pressure targeted and time cycled, so very much like PSV except is time cycled rather than flow cycled. In PSV is effort, pressure, and flow These are five basic breath. Now if you mix them with spontanous breath you can describ all modes in MV.
5 Basic Breath It is busy but summarize in your vent today . When I called 5 basic breath here , when u look at trigger, target and cycle u can describe these 5 basic breath . Trigger is either timer or patinet effort , target is flow or pressure and cycle is either time , volume or flow. So vol controlled breath is machine turns it on is flow targeted and volume cycle. Vol assist is effort triggered , flow targeted and vol cycled The pressure controlled breath is time trigered pressure targeted and time cycled Pressure asisst breath is pt trigerred pressure targeted and time cycled . Do we have this? Yes. You can even set rate at 0 but still patient triger breath, pressure targeted and time cycled, so very much like PSV except is time cycled rather than flow cycled. In PSV is effort, pressure, and flow These are five basic breath. Now if you mix them with spontanous breath you can describ all modes in MV.
5 Basic Breath It is busy but summarize in your vent today . When I called 5 basic breath here , when u look at trigger, target and cycle u can describe these 5 basic breath . Trigger is either timer or patinet effort , target is flow or pressure and cycle is either time , volume or flow. So vol controlled breath is machine turns it on is flow targeted and volume cycle. Vol assist is effort triggered , flow targeted and vol cycled The pressure controlled breath is time trigered pressure targeted and time cycled Pressure asisst breath is pt trigerred pressure targeted and time cycled . Do we have this? Yes. You can even set rate at 0 but still patient triger breath, pressure targeted and time cycled, so very much like PSV except is time cycled rather than flow cycled. In PSV is effort, pressure, and flow These are five basic breath. Now if you mix them with spontanous breath you can describ all modes in MV.
Synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation Modes of Support Synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation SIMV + PSV Volume-cycled breath Spontaneous Discuss determinants of respiratory rate, tidal volume for volume and time-cycled breaths for SIMV. Discuss advantages and disadvantages. Reveal diagram for SIMV+PSV.
Setting the Ventilator Mode FiO2 Rate Tidal Volume PEEP
Initiation of Mechanical Ventilation Initial Ventilator Settings Minute Ventilation Metabolic rate is directly related to body surface area (BSA) Males: = 4 x BSA Females: = 3.5 x BSA Nomogram
Initiation of Mechanical Ventilation Initial Ventilator Settings Minute Ventilation based on BSA Example: Female patient with an estimated BSA of 2.0 m2 = 3.5 x 2.0 m2 = 7.0 L/min A patient’s requirements increase by 9% for every 1° C increase on body temperature
Initiation of Mechanical Ventilation Initial Ventilator Settings Minute vent.= RR TV Tidal Volume VT for an adult is 6 – 8 ml/kg of IBW Ideal Body Weight Calculation Male IBW in lb: 106 + [6 x (height in inches – 60)] Female IBW in lb: 105 + [5 x (height in inches – 60)]
Oxygen Supplementation Start with 100% after intubation FiO2 > 60% is (probably) toxic. Need to balance potential toxicities Oxygen PEEP
Case Study What monitoring and assessment is needed after initiation of mechanical ventilation? Chest radiograph Vital signs SpO2 Patient-ventilator synchrony ABG Inspiratory pressures Auto-PEEP Ventilator alarms Question appears when slide presented. Allow students to discuss types of monitoring/assessments before revealing lists. Items in left list will probably be mentioned in the discussion. Items in right list may be new to students. Indicate that these will be expanded on.
Proving Endotracheal Intubation Soft Signs Equal breath sounds Easy ventilation No stomach bubbles Adequate oxygenation Firm Signs Radiograph Expired CO2
48 yo woman with Group A strep pneumonia, ARDS; arrows to indicate position of the carina and the tip of the ETT at level of aortic knob; note what would happen if flexed or extended neck
Inspiratory Pressures Peak inspiratory pressure (Ppeak) Inspiratory plateau pressure (Pplat) Indicator of alveolar distension Introduce 2 inspiratory pressures and reveal diagram to help explain. Discuss determinants of pressures. Ppeak= airway resistance + elastic recoil of lungs and chest wall Pplat= elastic recoil of lungs and chest wall Reveal tracing from ventilator to reinforce the measurements. Ask what the goal is for Pplat and reveal value Ask what are the consequences of high inspiratory pressures. Barotrauma Volutrauma Decreased cardiac output Ask how Pplat can be decreased. Decrease TV Decrease PEEP
Compliance and Resistance High Peak/High Plateau = decreased compliance pneumonia, CHF, Pleural Effusion, Pneumothorax, ARDS, ascites, Chest wall abnormalities High Peak/Low Plateau = increased resistance secretions, bronchospasm, tubing abnormalities C=ΔV/ ΔP- ΔV=TV --- ΔP=Pressure Change = Plateau –PEEP Resistance = (PIP-Plateau)/Flow rate
Case Study 18-year-old female found unresponsive at a party (wt 60 kg, ht 64 inches [162.6 cm]) Vomitus in pharynx, difficult intubation SpO2 87-88% on 100% oxygen What is the main problem: oxygenation or ventilation
Case Study Assist control (volume) Mode 1.0 FiO2 550 mL Tidal volume Rate PEEP Assist control (volume) 1.0 550 mL 10 breaths/min 5 cm H2O Use left column of slide to prompt students for responses. Flip chart may be useful to record students choices. Reveal right column to show what was done for ventilator settings. Ideal body wt = 56 kg ®
High pressure alarm sounding Case Study Mode FiO2 Tidal volume Rate PEEP Assist control (volume) 1.0 550 mL 10 breaths/min 5 cm H2O Use left column of slide to prompt students for responses. Flip chart may be useful to record students choices. Reveal right column to show what was done for ventilator settings. Ideal body wt = 56 kg High pressure alarm sounding ®
What problems are present? Case Study What problems are present? SpO2 88% (FiO2 1.0) Blood gas: pH 7.38, PaCO2 36 mm Hg, PaO2 57 mm Hg Ppeak 52 cm H2O Pplat 48 cm H2O Auto-PEEP 0 cm H2O Patient’s RR 18/min Ask what are the major problems for this patient. Hypoxemia High inspiratory plateau pressure Note that ventilation appears adequate ®
Waveform showing decreased lung compliance ‘Square wave’ flow pattern Ppeak Pplat Pres
Case Study Current Ventilator Settings What changes in ventilator settings would decrease inspiratory plateau pressure? Current Ventilator Settings Assist control (volume) FiO2 1.0 Tidal volume 550 mL RR 10/min PEEP 5 cm H2O Discuss variables that decrease Pplat Decrease in tidal volume Decrease in PEEP Discuss the consequences of each of the above changes for this patient. Decrease in tidal volume—decreased minute ventilation and possible hypoventilation Decrease in PEEP—worsening oxygenation Discuss compensation for decrease in tidal volume with increase in respiratory rate. Ask how increase in rate might affect patient interaction with the ventilator. Discomfort requiring sedation ®
What changes in ventilator settings would improve oxygenation? Case Study What changes in ventilator settings would improve oxygenation? Current Ventilator Settings Assist control (volume) FiO2 1.0 Tidal volume 550 mL Respiratory rate 10 breaths/min PEEP 5 cm H2O Discuss variables that affect oxygenation. FiO2 Mean airway pressure Possible ventilator changes Increase PEEP Increase tidal volume ®
NIH ARDS Network trial NEJM 2000;342:1301 The classic ARDS net trial showing benefits of reducing TV which is associated with improve mortality.
Case Study 70-year-old with long smoking history failed NPPV for respiratory distress Intubated, sedated, and receiving mechanical ventilation Wt 75 kg, ht 69 inches [175.3 cm]) IBW 70 Kg
Case Study Mode FiO2 Tidal volume Rate PEEP AC 1.0 700 mL 12 breath/min 5 cm H2O Use left column of slide to prompt students for responses. Flip chart may be useful to record students choices. Reveal right column to show what was done for ventilator settings.
What are the major problems? Low blood pressure alarm sounding Case Study What are the major problems? Blood gas: pH 7.20, PaCO2 60 mm Hg, PaO2 215 mm Hg Pplat 28 cm H2O, Ppeak 50 cm H2O Auto-PEEP 8 cm H2O I:E = 1:1.5 RR 18/min BP 70/30 mm Hg, HR 130/min Major problems. Hypoventilation High peak airway pressure (Note difference between peak and plateau) Auto-PEEP Hypotension and tachycardia Low blood pressure alarm sounding What do you do next? ®
What are possible causes of the patient’s Case Study What are possible causes of the patient’s hypotension? Positive intrathoracic pressure (venous return ) Auto-PEEP Hypovolemia Tension pneumothorax Myocardial ischemia Ask what is the likely cause of the hypotension. Ask for other causes of hypotension after initiation of MV. Positive intrathoracic pressure due to mechanical ventilation Auto-PEEP Hypovolemia Tension pneumothorax Myocardial ischemia ®
Auto-PEEP Diagnosis Measurement Waveform analysis Gas flow Auto-PEEP After discussing development of auto-PEEP, ask what clinical conditions would predispose to auto-PEEP during mechanical ventilation. Obstructive lung disease (asthma, COPD) High respiratory rates with high tidal volumes Auto-PEEP Auto-PEEP
Waveform showing increased airways resistance Ppeak Pplat Pres
Recognizing prolonged expiration (air trapping) Recognize airway obstruction when Expiratory flow quickly tapers off and then enters a prolonged low-flow state without returning to baseline (auto- PEEP) This is classic for the flow limitation and decreased lung elastance characteristic of COPD or status asthmaticus
Auto-PEEP Consequences Inspiratory pressures Hypotension Worsened oxygenation Interventions to decrease auto-PEEP Respiratory rate Tidal volume Gas flow rate Ask what the consequences of auto-PEEP are before revealing items. Then discuss ways to decrease auto-PEEP before revealing items. ®
What immediate changes in ventilator settings should be made? Case Study What immediate changes in ventilator settings should be made? Current Ventilator Settings AC FiO2 1.0 Tidal volume 700 mL Respiratory rate 12 breaths/min PEEP 5 cm H2O Possible changes are aimed at increasing expiratory time. Decrease tidal volume Decrease rate (will require sedation of patient) Decrease PEEP Increase gas flow rate ®
Obstructive Airway Disease Initial tidal volume 6-8 mL/kg Optimize expiratory time Beware of auto-PEEP Adjust minute ventilation to low normal pH Treat obstruction with bronchodilators
Mental Status, Sputum Volume & Cough Strength in Weaning 3 Risk factors for failure » Poor cough » Heavy endotracheal secretions » Unable to do all 4 tasks (open eyes, follow with eyes, grasp hand, stick out tongue) If 2/3 present, 71% sensitive, 81% specific for failure (72h) Salam et al. Intensive Care Med 2004; 30:1334-9
Spontaneous Breathing Trial Test of breathing for 30 min with minimal ventilatory support Variables in SBT » Ventilatory support: T-tube or “flow-by”, < 5 cm H2O CPAP, PSV, or automatic tube compensation » Termination criteria: RR > 35 bpm x > 5 min, SaO2 < 90%, HR > 140 bpm or sustained HR change > 20% SBP > 180 or < 90 mmHg, increased anxiety or diaphoresis
Ventilator Emergency I A 55-year-old patient with ARDS suddenly has a dramatic rise in airway pressures and loss of VT and is starting to desaturate quickly. What is the differential diagnosis? Sudden worsening of lung disease Pneumothorax Atelectasis Airway obstruction
Ventilator Emergency II A 69-year-old schizophrenic woman with aspiration pneumonia starts to become agitated and starts yelling at you (even though she is intubated). Low VT alarms go off. What is the differential diagnosis?
Ventilator Emergency II A 69-year-old schizophrenic woman with aspiration pneumonia starts to become agitated and starts yelling at you (even though she is intubated). Low VT alarms go off. What is the differential diagnosis? Self-extubation Cuff leak
Ventilator Emergency III A 23-year-old female asthmatic is being ventilated with PCV. The blood gas is 7.14/75/102 on: AC12/PCV20/TI0.5/FiO235%/PEEP 0. The RR is increased to 20, the VT’s drop, the PCO2 rises, and the patient becomes hypotensive. What is the differential dx? Progressive air trapping Tension pneumothorax
What to Report on Rounds Ventilator Settings Minute Ventilation (VE) Pressures Peak Plateau Mechanics Compliance Resistance Auto-PEEP
Key Points Goals of NPPV /MV: NPPV is best used in: support of oxygenation and ventilation and reduction in work of breathing NPPV is best used in: Alert, cooperative patient whose condition will improve in 48-72 hours Use guidelines when initiating MV and adjust based on monitoring Maintain low TV 6-8 ml/kg IBW and Pplat 30 cm H2O. Primary determinants of oxygenation: FiO2 and mean airway pressure. Daily evaluation for possible weaning