Welcome to Biology 332 Biology of Plants Summer 2008 May 27 to June 13 Daily 9AM to 4 PM SH hr for lunch Lecture and Lab Combined
Field Trip Meeting at Arboretum Lot
Professor: Ross Koning, PhD. Cell Phone: Office: Media 224--But no hours there! Remote Office: Shafer 215 No hours here! Website: plantphys.info University of Michigan (Ann Arbor) 1981 Plant Physiology - Flower development Please call me Ross!
Lets Look at the Syllabus Objectives Advanced Course for Junior/Senior Biology Majors Comprehensive Course in Botany Covers 3 Kingdoms »Bacteria (Cyanobacteria--blue-green algae) »Protista? (Chlorophyta--green algae) »Plantae (plants) Bryophyta (mosses, liverworts, hornworts) Psilophyta, Lycophyta, Equisetophyta, Pteridophyta (ferns and allies) Coniferophyta (conifers) Anthophyta (flowering plants: monocots and dicots)
Lets Look at the Syllabus More Objectives Structure and Function of Plants Natural History and Evolution of Plants Experience in Modern Phylogeny (Cladistics) Reinforce Group and Individual Learning
Lets Look at the Syllabus Resources No textbook really what I wanted, so visit: plantphys.info »Raven, Evert, Eichhorn is the standard text »Mauseth is perhaps second standard »Graham is well focused on plants (avoiding fungi, etc.) »There are others too… No Laboratory Manual, so visit: plantphys.info »Exercises created as we go along »Depends upon organism availability, readiness, and behavior »Dead or Preserved specimen use will be limited! Three-Ring Binder with Zipper Pouch »You MUST have a pencil and eraser every day! »Some people like colored pencils for this course »Simple Calculator useful (+ – x ÷ =)
Lets Look at the Syllabus Quizzes Daily quizzes are given in morning time (except 2 last day) Question types as diverse as botany is! »Multiple Choice »True False »Matching (esp diagrams!) »Drawings (for you to sketch) »Short Answer »Structured Essay »Essay Absence from 1 Quiz: with documentation pro rata Absence from any more Quizzes: 0 regardless of reason Best score = 100%, 90% + A-, 80% + B-, 70% + C-, 60% + D- Quizzes provide 50% of course grade
Lets Look at the Syllabus Laboratory Must bring worksheet with you to class or 10% penalty Must hand in worksheet or assignment by due date »Due dates to be announced in class: attendance critical »Late penalty: 10% per day »After graded assignments returned to classmates: 100% penalty No makeup of laboratory exercises ever! Laboratory work provides 50% of course grade
Lets Look at the Syllabus Participation My estimate of participation provides » Leverage into a higher grade » Barrier from a higher grade Participation variables » Attendance » Attitude » Attention in and out of class » Staying on-task » Engaged in class discussions » Effective and contributing team member » Bringing required materials to class » Arriving on-time
Lets Look at the Syllabus Accommodations If you are a student with a disability, it is your responsibility to contact the office of AccessAbility Services to obtain accommodations in a timely manner. I cannot provide any accommodations for anyone without a letter from the office of AccessAbility Services.
Lets Look at the Syllabus Extra Credit There is NO extra credit »Not for any one »Not for any reason »Not at any time Cheating Copying or Plagiarism Completely Prohibited »We share data observations only with those who helped collect them »We never share calculated results or written answers to questions
Lets Look at the Schedule Headings Tentative Syllabus: subject to change: watch website! Dates: as currently planned, subject to change Lecture Topics will be links to lecture notes on website (mostly Power Point Files) Readings likely older web pages I have written (find your own chapters in your optional textbook) Laboratory Exercises: Print out if you have lost yours! There are no Exams, there is no Final Exam!