This Programme is funded by the European Union And implemented by a conrtium led by MWH in partnership with DEMA, CIMA Research Foundation, Austrian Red Cross and CMC Finland Programme for the Prevention, Preparedness and Response to Natural and Man-made Disasters in the EaP East – PPRD East 2 ACTIVITY C PPRD East Programme Phase 2
This Programme is funded by the European Union And implemented by a conrtium led by MWH in partnership with DEMA, CIMA Research Foundation, Austrian Red Cross and CMC Finland Programme for the Prevention, Preparedness and Response to Natural and Man-made Disasters in the EaP East – PPRD East 2 General Objective of Activity C Expected results: C.1 Further development of Electronic Regional Risk Atlas, developed under PPRD East Programme Phase 2 and put in practical use by Partner Countries. C.2 Improving national disaster loss data collection and processing in consistency with the European common approach for developing national loss databases and sharing of information.
This Programme is funded by the European Union And implemented by a conrtium led by MWH in partnership with DEMA, CIMA Research Foundation, Austrian Red Cross and CMC Finland Programme for the Prevention, Preparedness and Response to Natural and Man-made Disasters in the EaP East – PPRD East 2 ACTIVITY C.1 - FURTHER DEVELOPMENT OF ELECTRONIC REGIONAL RISK ATLAS Activity C
This Programme is funded by the European Union And implemented by a conrtium led by MWH in partnership with DEMA, CIMA Research Foundation, Austrian Red Cross and CMC Finland Programme for the Prevention, Preparedness and Response to Natural and Man-made Disasters in the EaP East – PPRD East 2 Objectives Build on ERRA. ERRA represents one of the main achievements of PPRD East Programme Phase I, and as such, the PPRD East II will build heavily on such an asset. Strong demand from Partner Countries of deepening the knowledge on how to use and update the system Activity Area C will address C1: Further development of the Electronic Regional Risk Atlas C2: Improving national disaster loss data collection and processing
This Programme is funded by the European Union And implemented by a conrtium led by MWH in partnership with DEMA, CIMA Research Foundation, Austrian Red Cross and CMC Finland Programme for the Prevention, Preparedness and Response to Natural and Man-made Disasters in the EaP East – PPRD East 2 This Programme is funded by the European Union Electronic Regional Risk Atlas - ERRA Technological platform for accessing and processing data and maps of multi- hazard disaster risk Interoperability with existing system such as EFAS and EFFIS, other platforms Extend to other hazards (climate extremes: drought, cold and heat waves)
This Programme is funded by the European Union And implemented by a conrtium led by MWH in partnership with DEMA, CIMA Research Foundation, Austrian Red Cross and CMC Finland Programme for the Prevention, Preparedness and Response to Natural and Man-made Disasters in the EaP East – PPRD East 2 Predictions & Early Warning Rapid constrast Disaster forecasting and nowcasting Monitoring & active disaster assessment ERRA Support to DRA Electronic Regional Risk Atlas – ERRA & the DRM Cycle
This Programme is funded by the European Union And implemented by a conrtium led by MWH in partnership with DEMA, CIMA Research Foundation, Austrian Red Cross and CMC Finland Programme for the Prevention, Preparedness and Response to Natural and Man-made Disasters in the EaP East – PPRD East 2 ERRA Interoperability ERRA EFFISEFAS Copernicus Services Rapid Mapping
This Programme is funded by the European Union And implemented by a conrtium led by MWH in partnership with DEMA, CIMA Research Foundation, Austrian Red Cross and CMC Finland Programme for the Prevention, Preparedness and Response to Natural and Man-made Disasters in the EaP East – PPRD East 2 ERRA USERS 1.ERRA maintenance/evolutive maintenance – ICT Experts 2.ERRA Risk Layers/Infos Update – GIS/DRR Experts 3.ERRA Use in preparedness/monitoring/fast recovery – Forecasters, CPs 4.ERRA Use in strategic Planning – DRR Experts, Planners, decision Makers at large
This Programme is funded by the European Union And implemented by a conrtium led by MWH in partnership with DEMA, CIMA Research Foundation, Austrian Red Cross and CMC Finland Programme for the Prevention, Preparedness and Response to Natural and Man-made Disasters in the EaP East – PPRD East 2 WP ACTIVITY C.1 Activity C
This Programme is funded by the European Union And implemented by a conrtium led by MWH in partnership with DEMA, CIMA Research Foundation, Austrian Red Cross and CMC Finland Programme for the Prevention, Preparedness and Response to Natural and Man-made Disasters in the EaP East – PPRD East 2 Activity C.1. Further development of the Electronic Regional Risk Atlas ERRA (April August 2018) The Electronic Regional Risk Atlas is further developed and put in practical use by Partner Countries. Data accessibility and comparability is improved at national and regional level, in line with the requirements of the New Hyogo Framework for Action Agreement and in consistency with the European common approach for developing national loss databases and sharing of information. Tasks: C.1.1 Further improvement of ERRA C.1.2 Interoperability of ERRA
This Programme is funded by the European Union And implemented by a conrtium led by MWH in partnership with DEMA, CIMA Research Foundation, Austrian Red Cross and CMC Finland Programme for the Prevention, Preparedness and Response to Natural and Man-made Disasters in the EaP East – PPRD East 2 Task of Activity C.1.1 C.1.1 Further improvement of ERRA - Planning and organisation of Regional ERRA Workshop (May 18-22, 2015) - Review of present functionalities of ERRA, discuss limitations of current implementation (Including data provision) - Discuss possible improvements and synergies with other open platforms - Development and implementation of ERRA upgrades (June August 2018) - Development od Use cases and implementation of improvements - Align Installation of ERRA in agreement with Partner Countries requests, make ERRA more “user friendly”, make ERRA publicly available - Capacity building (workshop and/or On Job Trainings)
This Programme is funded by the European Union And implemented by a conrtium led by MWH in partnership with DEMA, CIMA Research Foundation, Austrian Red Cross and CMC Finland Programme for the Prevention, Preparedness and Response to Natural and Man-made Disasters in the EaP East – PPRD East 2 Task of Activity C.1.2 C.1.2 Interoperability of ERRA -Planning and organisation of Regional ERRA Interoperability Training (May 18-22, 2015) -Assess regional EWS with focus on Standard Operation Procedures during preparedness and emergency phase -Expected participation of JRC and WMO -Enhancement of ERRA interoperability (July August 2018) -European Flood Alerting System (EFAS), European Forest Fire Information System (EFFIS), Meteoalarm (WMO) -Other EWS internationally recognized (DEWETRA) -Existing standardized systems for collection of Disaster Loss Data (e.g. Desinventar) -Open repositories of Risk Assessment information (e.g. GAR, GFR)
This Programme is funded by the European Union And implemented by a conrtium led by MWH in partnership with DEMA, CIMA Research Foundation, Austrian Red Cross and CMC Finland Programme for the Prevention, Preparedness and Response to Natural and Man-made Disasters in the EaP East – PPRD East 2 C.2- Improving National Disaster Loss Data Collection
This Programme is funded by the European Union And implemented by a conrtium led by MWH in partnership with DEMA, CIMA Research Foundation, Austrian Red Cross and CMC Finland Programme for the Prevention, Preparedness and Response to Natural and Man-made Disasters in the EaP East – PPRD East 2 ACTIVITY C.2 - IMPROVING NATIONAL DISASTER LOSS DATA COLLECTION Activity C
This Programme is funded by the European Union And implemented by a conrtium led by MWH in partnership with DEMA, CIMA Research Foundation, Austrian Red Cross and CMC Finland Programme for the Prevention, Preparedness and Response to Natural and Man-made Disasters in the EaP East – PPRD East 2 Loss Accounting Risk Modelling Hazard 1 Hazard 2 Hazard 3 Hazard n Portfolio 1 Assets and people at risk Risk retentionRisk transferRisk reductionOthers… Updating and follow-up Risk Management Strategy 1 Risk Management Strategy 2 Risk Management Strategy 3 Risk Management Strategy n Portfolio 2 Assets and people at risk Portfolio 3 Assets and people at risk Portfolio n Assets and people at risk Risk Management Disaster Risk Assessment, Disaster Loss Database
This Programme is funded by the European Union And implemented by a conrtium led by MWH in partnership with DEMA, CIMA Research Foundation, Austrian Red Cross and CMC Finland Programme for the Prevention, Preparedness and Response to Natural and Man-made Disasters in the EaP East – PPRD East 2
This Programme is funded by the European Union And implemented by a conrtium led by MWH in partnership with DEMA, CIMA Research Foundation, Austrian Red Cross and CMC Finland Programme for the Prevention, Preparedness and Response to Natural and Man-made Disasters in the EaP East – PPRD East 2 National drivers for loss data: legal basis, application areas, scale and scope, main users Methodology of assessment: mandated organization, triggering mechanism, data assessment technique, quality assurance. Methodology of recording: mandated organization, processing of the collected data, and aggregation of collected data, storing and accessing data. Model of disaster loss database: structure of the disaster loss database (hazard event identification, affected elements, loss indicators), data fields with definitions and format. Public communication: open data sharing policy, risk register. To Be Assessed during PPRD Phase II
This Programme is funded by the European Union And implemented by a conrtium led by MWH in partnership with DEMA, CIMA Research Foundation, Austrian Red Cross and CMC Finland Programme for the Prevention, Preparedness and Response to Natural and Man-made Disasters in the EaP East – PPRD East 2 Disaster Loss Database: the situation in Europe Main differences Data structure Methodology/standard used Mandated organizations Hazard types covered Important similarities At least municipality scale By sectors
This Programme is funded by the European Union And implemented by a conrtium led by MWH in partnership with DEMA, CIMA Research Foundation, Austrian Red Cross and CMC Finland Programme for the Prevention, Preparedness and Response to Natural and Man-made Disasters in the EaP East – PPRD East 2 Existing Disaster Loss Databases EM-DAT Private Insurance and Re-insurance companies ECLAC-WB National databases Global coverage Data is not freely available Only Analysis reports are shared Developed for the insurance market National level of observation, data with sub-national level of resolution. Methodologies are heterogeneous, hampering global comparison. Not frequently updated. National level of observation, data with sub-national level of resolution. Consistent methodology Only assesses losses from large scale (intensive) disasters Does not have global coverage Global coverage Mortality: <10 people Number of affected: <100 people Economic losses: are present in less than 30% of the records Global level of observation, national level resolution
This Programme is funded by the European Union And implemented by a conrtium led by MWH in partnership with DEMA, CIMA Research Foundation, Austrian Red Cross and CMC Finland Programme for the Prevention, Preparedness and Response to Natural and Man-made Disasters in the EaP East – PPRD East 2 Why National Disaster Loss Databases? (From GAR 2013) Direct losses are at least 50% more than the ones registered internationally.
This Programme is funded by the European Union And implemented by a conrtium led by MWH in partnership with DEMA, CIMA Research Foundation, Austrian Red Cross and CMC Finland Programme for the Prevention, Preparedness and Response to Natural and Man-made Disasters in the EaP East – PPRD East 2 Disaster Loss Database: the European approach Compensation
This Programme is funded by the European Union And implemented by a conrtium led by MWH in partnership with DEMA, CIMA Research Foundation, Austrian Red Cross and CMC Finland Programme for the Prevention, Preparedness and Response to Natural and Man-made Disasters in the EaP East – PPRD East 2 Disaster Loss Database: EU recomendations Recommendations of technical requirements for recording disaster losses at EU level JRC – European Commission
This Programme is funded by the European Union And implemented by a conrtium led by MWH in partnership with DEMA, CIMA Research Foundation, Austrian Red Cross and CMC Finland Programme for the Prevention, Preparedness and Response to Natural and Man-made Disasters in the EaP East – PPRD East 2 Disaster Loss Database: EU Assessment Current status and Best Practices for Disaster Loss Data recording in EU Member States JRC – European Commission
This Programme is funded by the European Union And implemented by a conrtium led by MWH in partnership with DEMA, CIMA Research Foundation, Austrian Red Cross and CMC Finland Programme for the Prevention, Preparedness and Response to Natural and Man-made Disasters in the EaP East – PPRD East 2 Disaster Loss Database: EU Guidelines & Toolkit Disaster Loss Recording and Management : Guidelines and Toolkit JRC – European Commission
This Programme is funded by the European Union And implemented by a conrtium led by MWH in partnership with DEMA, CIMA Research Foundation, Austrian Red Cross and CMC Finland Programme for the Prevention, Preparedness and Response to Natural and Man-made Disasters in the EaP East – PPRD East 2 WP ACTIVITY C.2 Activity C
This Programme is funded by the European Union And implemented by a conrtium led by MWH in partnership with DEMA, CIMA Research Foundation, Austrian Red Cross and CMC Finland Programme for the Prevention, Preparedness and Response to Natural and Man-made Disasters in the EaP East – PPRD East 2 Activity C.2. Improving national disaster loss data collection and processing (April August 2018) Tasks: C.2.1 Survey of existing methodologies, databases and tools (April 2015-July 2015) C.2.2 Recommendations for establishing a system for the systematic collection of disaster loss data (April Novemeber 2015) C.2.3 Support to interested countries for the implementation of a system for collection of disaster loss data (year 2 to 4)
This Programme is funded by the European Union And implemented by a conrtium led by MWH in partnership with DEMA, CIMA Research Foundation, Austrian Red Cross and CMC Finland Programme for the Prevention, Preparedness and Response to Natural and Man-made Disasters in the EaP East – PPRD East 2 Task of Activity C.2.1 C.2.1 Survey of existing methodologies, databases and tools Short follow up mission in each partner Countries (April 2015-July 2015) -Presentation of topics to NAG - assessment missions Preparation and Organization of Regional Workshop (July 2015) -Presentation of data loss collection systems -Initial preparation of gaps identification and recommendation development for Partner Countries
This Programme is funded by the European Union And implemented by a conrtium led by MWH in partnership with DEMA, CIMA Research Foundation, Austrian Red Cross and CMC Finland Programme for the Prevention, Preparedness and Response to Natural and Man-made Disasters in the EaP East – PPRD East 2 Task of Activity C.2.2 C.2.2 Recommendations for establishing a system for the systematic collection of disaster loss data (July 2015-November 2015) Development of recommendations as a part of the updated Country Profiles - the National Action Plans (for each Partner Country) for the improvement of disaster loss data collection (July 2015-September 2015) Presentation of recommendations at NAG meetings (October-November 2015)
This Programme is funded by the European Union And implemented by a conrtium led by MWH in partnership with DEMA, CIMA Research Foundation, Austrian Red Cross and CMC Finland Programme for the Prevention, Preparedness and Response to Natural and Man-made Disasters in the EaP East – PPRD East 2 Task of Activity C.2.3 C.2.3 Support to interested countries for the implementation of a system for collection of disaster loss data (year 2 to 4) Development of a tool-kit for all Partner Countries Operational guidelines and recommendation for collection of loss data in line with EU methodologies IT platform, integrated into ERRA, for supporting systematic collection of Disaster data Training of operators to use tool and facilitation for of the implementation of the system for all Partner Countries National training workshops Facilitation of the implementation of the system Regional Workshop for Result Dissemination