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Welcome to Biology 120 Organismal Biology Fall 2009 Lecture: MWF 8-8:50 SB-104 Laboratory Section A: T 8-10:50 SB-331 Laboratory Section B: T 2-4:50 SB-331
Professor: Ross Koning, PhD. Cell Phone: Office: SB MWF 10-11, R 8-9:30 AM Website: University of MICHIGAN (Ann Arbor) 1981 Plant Physiology - Flower development Please call me Ross!
Assist Prof.: Michael Clancy, PhD. Office Phone: Office: Science M10, T11, W10, W1, F9 University of Rhode Island Invertebrate Zoology of Lobsters and Crabs Please call me Dr. Clancy! -11
Lets Look at the Syllabus Enrollment A Course for Freshman Biology Majors and Minors This is NOT a GER course--drop/add something else This is NOT an LAC course--drop/add something else You should also be registered for: (add if needed) Math 130, 243 (or as placed by exam, but not 135!) English 100 (unless completed already) Chemistry 210 and 212 (or Organic Chemistry 216) How many are incoming freshmen NOT in FYR 174?
Lets Look at the Syllabus Objectives Structure and Function of Organisms Experience in Modern Phylogeny (Cladistics) Hands-on Experience with Living Organisms Study of Diverse Solutions to Common Problems »Obtaining minerals and water »Obtaining energy and food »Exchanging Gases »Transporting materials »Maintaining temperature »Chemical Signaling »Reproduction »Environmental Sensing »Movement »Etc! Reinforce Experimental Approach and Writing in Biology
Lets Look at the Syllabus Resources Two textbooks are required: »Scott Freeman Biological Science. 3rd ed. Pearson/Benjamin Cummings »Jan Pechenik A Short Guide to Writing in Biology. 7th ed. Pearson/Longman (6th edition is OK too!) »Available at bookstore--cheaper at or »Freeman will be used for Bio 120, 130, 220, 230…Pechenik for ALL Bio! No Laboratory Manual, handouts or visit: »Lab Exercises and Writing Projects revised as we go along »Depends upon organism availability, readiness, and behavior »Username: and Password: on white board…please write in! Three-Ring Binder, Zipper Pouch, Pencil with Eraser Simple Calculator useful (+ – x ÷ =) Colored pencil set useful Course schedule subject to change…watch:
Copyright © 2008 Pearson Education Inc., publishing as Pearson Benjamin Cummings/Addison-Wesley Chapter 1 Biology and the Tree of Life Active Lecture Questions Biological Science, Third Edition – Scott Freeman Biological Science, Third Edition – Scott Freeman
Lets Look at the Syllabus Quizzes Weekly quizzes usually in lab slot based on coverage to date. Question types as diverse as biology is: »Multiple Choice »True False »Matching (esp diagrams!) »Drawings (for you to sketch) »Short Answer Quiz mix will NOT be announced ahead of time Absence from ONE Quiz: excused with documentation Absence from any other Quiz: 0 score in spite of situation If you have not missed any Quiz: lowest Quiz dropped! 10% score penalty for quiz taken in ink…bring your pencil! 90 + %A %B %C %D- Quizzes provide about 30% of course grade
Lets Look at the Syllabus Laboratory Must bring worksheet to class if previously distributed Must hand in worksheet or writing assignment by due date »Due dates to be announced in class: attendance critical »Worksheet filled out in ink: 10% penalty--bring your pencil! »Late penalty: 10% per day starting at end of quiz when due! »After graded assignments are returned to classmates: 100% penalty No makeup of laboratory exercises ever! You are allowed to miss ONE lab exercise with written documentation…any other missed labs receive 0% score. If you have not missed any lab exercise all semester, then lowest worksheet score is dropped! Dissection and killing of organisms is a routine aspect of this course…if you will not do this, you need to see me ASAP. Laboratory work provides about 30% of course grade
Lets Look at the Syllabus Laboratory Writing Assignments Only certain laboratory meetings will result in a writing assignment You must hand in each writing assignment by the due date »Due dates to be announced in class: attendance critical »Writing assignments must be computer generated »There are severe penalties for plagiarism!! Dont do it! »Late penalty: 10% per day starting at end of quiz when due! »After graded assignments are returned to classmates: 100% penalty Failing to submit any one writing assignment results in course failure. Writing assignments provide about 20% of course grade if all of the assignments are submitted.
Lets Look at the Syllabus Comprehensive Final Exam Given during Final Exam Week (December 14, 9-11AM) Clear your work, travel, winter, etc. schedules now! Questions based on the entire course (comprehensive) Question types as diverse as biology is: »Multiple Choice »True False »Matching (esp diagrams!) »Drawings (for you to sketch) »Short Answer 10% score penalty for final taken in ink…bring your pencil! 90 + %A %B %C %D- Final Exam provides about 20% of course grade
Lets Look at the Syllabus Participation Our estimate of participation provides » Leverage into a higher grade » Barrier from a higher grade Participation variables » Attendance-reliability » Attitude-positive » Attention-in and out of class » Staying on-task and on-topic » Engaged in class discussions » Effective and contributing team member » Bringing required materials to class » Arriving on-time always » Never using a cell-phone for talking or texting during class » Never leaving lecture for a bathroom break (go before class or hold it until after class!)
Lets Look at the Syllabus Accommodations If you are a student with a disability, it is your responsibility to contact the office of AccessAbility Services to request accommodations in a timely manner. I cannot provide any accommodations for anyone without a letter from the office of AccessAbility Services. So if this applies to you, GET GOING soon!
Lets Look at the Syllabus Extra Credit There is NO extra credit »Not for any one »Not for any reason »Not at any time Cheating Copying or Plagiarism Completely Prohibited »We share data observations only with those who helped collect them »We never share calculated results or written answers to questions »Plagiarism of professional sources and each other will be given severe penalties! »Plagiarism includes the giving of your work that someone else copies (see in Student Handbook, page 81). BEWARE! »In written work you paraphrase rather than quote, and always cite sources completely!
Lets Look at the Syllabus Participation ECSU Catalog » Study/Work at home is expected » Two hours of work at home for every one hour in class Calculations of homework expectations: » 3 hours lecture per week make 6 hours of homework » 3 hours laboratory per week make 6 hours of homework » You are expected to do 12 hours of homework each week! » YES…12 (twelve) hours per week! » In particular, lab worksheets and writing projects are NOT designed to be completed within class time! Welcome to College!
Lets Look at the Schedule Headings Tentative Syllabus: subject to change: watch website! Dates: as currently planned, subject to change Lecture Topics will be links to lecture notes on website Readings: Portions of textbook you need to read before class Laboratory Exercises: Print out if you have lost yours! Note: No Hour-Exams (just weekly quizzes) Note: Final Exam during Final Exam Week
Meet Your Biology Advisor The Biology Department Expects You to Monitor your University account. ECSU ID Number Birthdate MMDDYY
Announcements Remember that your written response to the essay, Effective Learning Begins With the Right Attitudes is due on Friday (9/4). –One page typed/computer printed if possible, single spaced OK but double-spaced, 1 margins, 12 point font preferred –Due at beginning of class 8:00 AM! Papers arriving at 8:01 AM are one-day late!
Laboratory Tomorrow is NOT at Science 331! Instead, we meet at the Tennis Court entrance. For a walk through the arboretum: wear PANTS, closed shoes, sun/rain/bug protection, etc.