15° Italian Population and housing censuses Geneve, may 25 2012 Experience with address lists and other preliminary work: the house number archive, an.


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Presentation transcript:

15° Italian Population and housing censuses Geneve, may Experience with address lists and other preliminary work: the house number archive, an information infrastructure for the country Francesco Di Pede - Damiano Abbatini ISTAT Dipartimento dei censimenti generali degli archivi amministrativi e dei registri statistici

Municipality Population Register (LAC – Liste Anagrafiche Comunali) used to organize and control the field work (mail out of questionnaires and check list of respondents); Supplementary lists of Auxiliary Sources (LIFA – Liste Integrative da Fonti Ausiliarie; RNC – Rilevazione dei numeri civici) used to control undercoverage of LACs; Short Form for a sample of households; Multi-Way Responses (Internet, postal carrier, hand-delivery). 15° Italian Population and Housing Censuses. Main strategic innovations: In this context of technical and organizational innovations, addresses and house numbers are instruments of great importance, as indispensable for the accurate localization of statistical units.

15° Italian Population and Housing Censuses A strategic goal of the Census has been the creation of the municipal archives of addresses (house numbers) geocoded to the census enumeration areas, used to: Geocode the municipality population registers LAC; Guide the enumerators in the field work; Retrieve the undercoverage of registers and non-response of households; Undertake census of buildings.

15° Italian Population and Housing Censuses In the new census strategy, Istat has developed and tested methods and technological tools for the construction of a database of street list integrated with house numbers geocoded to enumeration areas, by the use of different sources. This strategy provides differentiated arrangements for the acquisition and processing of data, depending on the different demographic classes of the municipalities. GeoCiv: Experimentation on municipal address indexes to build-up municipal street indexes and address indexes for RNC (urban areas of main cities) ; RNC:House number survey (urban areas of main cities) ; ANSC:Street indexes and address indexes national archives (other areas of main cities and other municipalities).

GeoCiv Project GeoCiv - In the period 2009/2010 Istat has acquired street indexes and address indexes from all NUTS 3 level chief town and municipalities with population over 20,000 inhabitants  Objective: construction of municipal house numbers statistical archives geo- coded to the census enumeration areas;  In collaboration with Poste Italiane (Italian Postal Service);  First step: elimination of duplicate or blank records and identification of qualifying attributes in the heterogeneous information received;  Once prepared the data, the standardization of archive was started up;  At the end of the standardization and normalization of the archives, addresses were geocoded to enumeration areas and georeferenced.

RNC RNC – House Number Survey. Carried out in the major population centers by enumerators during the period November March  509 (1) municipalities involved: All NUTS 3 level chief town and municipalities with population over 20,000 inhabitants on 1 January 2008 (53% of the resident population in Italy);  Objectives. RNC had three objectives: to produce, before the census, a database of house numbers validated by each municipality and geocoded to the enumeration areas census; allow construction of a list to facilitate the recovery of municipal population registers undcoverage; collecting information on building stock and characteristics, thus anticipating a substantial part of the field work traditionally carried out simultaneously in the census of population and housing; (1) The city of L'Aquila was excluded because of the earthquake of April 2009.

RNC  In particular, in order to obtain valid signals of municipal population register undercoverage, for each address has been detected the information on the number of flats, articulate into “residential” and “non-residential”. This information was then compared with the number of households recorded in the municipal population register at the same address. The difference between the number of dwellings and the number of households was assumed as a signal of the presence of unoccupied dwellings or households not registered in the municipal population register.  The RNC has also made it possible to establish the relationship between buildings and addresses. Building-address relationship is a rather complex relation, like that n:m (many-to-many) relationship. In some situations one or more addresses may correspond to a building, while in others the opposite occurs, to one address match more buildings.

ANSC ANSC ( ) – Street indexes and adreess indexes National Archives in collaboration with Land Registry Office (Agenzia del Territorio – AdT). Information subject to constant updating by municipalities to which they can accesspublic administrations, citizens and enterprises  municipalities involved: municipalities with population under 20,000 inhabitants on 1 January 2008 (47% of the resident population in Italy);  certification of the street index: approving, modifying and integrating a computerized street index proposed by the AdT;  compilation of the “new form Istat CP.5" (set of circulation areas and house numbers that fall within each census enumeration area);  municipalities have been working off-line using software installed on their workstations for the compilation and updating of their street index

2006 Feasibility study 2007 Testing of pilot areas 2007 Presence Municipal Archives survey 2008 GeoCiv project definition 2009/2010 GeoCiv project implementation 2010/2011 House number survey (RNC) RNC Framework of the activities PORTALE PER I COMUNI 2009/2010 ANSC Project

Updated aerial photos of the territory 2011 Enumeration Area’s boundaries Graph maps of commercial source ADT Cadastral mapping of buildings RNC: field work tools data source Municipal Archive of addresses INDIRIZZOSEZ2011 VIA LICONI 198 VIA LICONI 398 VIA LICONI 3 A98 VIA EMILE LEXERT 198 GeoCiv house numbers archive

Address found by enumarator VIA LICONI 598 Municipal Archive of addresses ADDRESSSEZ2011BUILDING CODEINTENDED USE VIA LICONI 198 VIA LICONI 398 VIA LICONI 3 A98 VIA MONTE ROSA 198 RNC: buildings-addresses relationship Via Monte Rosa A residential C B C C not-residential

Buildings 1 to have been reported in the database by address Identification of missing buildings in cadastral mapping RNC: buildings enumeration

F G I J D L A B O K E M H N 1 2 Via del Bracco Via della Consuma Via Cadibona Via del Bracco RNC: enumeration area House numbers from municipal archive House number from survey

F G I J D L A B O K E M H N 1 2 Via del Bracco Via della Consuma Via Cadibona Via del Bracco Summary data for enumeration area Enumeration Area n. 357 List/inputVariationObservedAttributes House number residential 12 non-residential Buildings residential 1 not used Households from lac 1 from lifa 1 from rnc People male 58 female

beyond enumeration area: summary data by house number Via Cadibona Via Afonsine Viale Sempione Summary data for house number6 Via Cadibona 6 Building E List/inputAttributesVariationObservedAttributes Households56 53 da lac 1 da lifa 2 da rnc from LAC 1 from LIFA 1 from RNC People male 65 female Via Cadibona 6 Building E Stairwellsfloors Residential Interiors Not-residential Interiors E Occupied dwellings Unoccupied dwellings 533

E D G B A I AC E AD N H M D E K O 2 beyond enumerationa area: summary data by street circulation area Via Colfiorito Via Afonsine Via Futa Viale Sempione Via del Bracco Via della Consuma Via del Bracco Viale Sempione Via Cadibona 29 Data related to the whole street Cadibona Street crosses 7 enumeration areas House numbers with access on both sides of Cadibona Street and related buildings Building on Cadibona Street missing in the cadastral map

Summary data by Street Cadibona Street List/inputVariationObservedAttributes House numbers residential 15 not-residential Buildings residential 2 commercial 1 not used Households from LAC 0 from LIFA 1 from RNC People male 47 female

thanks for your attention contacts for more detailed information and documentation: Francesco Di Pede: Damiano Abbatini: ISTAT Dipartimento dei censimenti generali degli archivi amministrativi e dei registri statistici