Dividing by Decimals
Dividing decimals is a lot like dividing by a whole number. There is just one thing you need to remember before dividing: You have to make the number outside the house (divisor) a whole number (A number without a decimal).
It’s simple, move the decimal to the right until it is at the end of the number. Here’s the problem: 1.1 ) 6.3
Move the decimal to the right until you are at the end of the number. In this case, we only had to move it once. 1.1 ) 6.3 Since we moved the decimal on the divisor (# outside the house) we HAVE TO move the decimal in the dividend the same number of times. In this case it would also be one time.
Our new problem becomes: 11. ) ) 63 Or
11 ) 63 Now we just divide like we always do:
What happens if we have a decimal in the divisor and not the dividend? 2.14 ) 797
Just remember, the dividend is a whole number so there is a decimal at the end of the dividend that is not there ) 797. The decimal would go here since the number is whole. You would still have to move it two places to the right. Is really…
You try this one: 3.4 ) 30.6
You try this one:.26 ) 3.38
You try this one: 2.5 ) 400
You try this one: 3.21 ) 5.136