The Central Commission Constituency Electoral Commissions Precinct Electoral Commissions
No later than 75 days prior to the elections constituency electoral commissions No later than 45 days prior to the elections Precinct electoral commissions Constituency electoral commission Precinct electoral commission No later than July 9,2012 No later than July 9,2012 No later than August 8, 2012 Election Day September 23, 2012 Election Day September 23, 2012
Constituency electoral commissions After the recognition by House of Representatives the powers of the elected deputies Precinct electoral commissions After completing the elections at a election precinct The authority expires
9-13 members Chairperson of the commission Deputy chairperson of the commission Secretary of the commission 6-10 members
Candidate for deputies to the House of Representatives Close relativehusband (wife)Directly subordinate Chairperson of constituency electoral commission
Monday – Friday from 10 a.m. till 7 p.m Breakfrom 2 p.m. till 3 p.m. Saturday from 10 a.m. till 2 p.m. Sunday Day-off
Persons nominated as candidates for deputies Candidates for deputies Authorized persons of candidates for deputies observers Foreign (international) observers Mass media Representatives Persons with appeals under consideration If necessary: Representatives of state bodies, public associations, other organizations
The sitting of the commission shall be legitimate if no less than 2/3 members of its composition participate 9 members 6 members 10 members 7 members 11 members 7 members 12 members 8 members 13 members 9 members
The decision of the commission is made by the majority votes of the total composition of the commission 9 members 5 members 10 members 6 members 11 members 6 members 12 members 7 members 13 members 7 members
If the number of votes “for” and “nay” is equal: 6 members «for» 5 members «nay» The decision: «nay» chairperson« nay»
The Central Commission The protocol of candidates’ registration The protocol of the results of the elections Special opinion The commission’s decision Special opinion The commission’s decision
Constituency electoral commission Central Commission Precinct electoral commission Precinct electoral commission decision on citizen’s appeal concerning errors in the list of voters Constituency electoral commission Constituency electoral commission district, city court no later than 5 days before election or
Appeals concerning electoral legislation violation if check is required immediately 3 days 10 days Election day appeals Appeals concerning electoral legislation violation
Political party having nominated a candidate for a deputy of the House of Representatives and having submitted all the documents needed for candidate’s registration Central Commission member of the Commission with the Consultative Capacity
Political parties Labour groups, organizations Citizens by way of signatures collection Citizenship of the Republic of Belarus 21 years old Permanent residence in the Republic of Belarus No criminal record (clean record) Citizen nominated as a candidate for deputies
Candidates nomination 70 days prior to the elections July 15, days prior to the elections July 15, days prior to the elections August 13, days prior to the elections August 13,2012 Election day September 23, 2012 Election day September 23, 2012
Submission of documents concerning initiative group registration to the constituency commission 65 days before the elections July 19, 2012 Election day Period to consider initiative group registration application 1 st day 2 nd day 4 th day 3 rd day 5 th day
Constituency commission decision Central Commission Within three days after it was taken The person intending to be nominated as candidate for deputy Central Commission decision Supreme Court Within three days after it was taken The person intending to be nominated as candidate for deputy
documents are submitted to a constituency commission in one set ; a set of documents is submitted by a person nominated as candidate for deputy ; in order to check person’s permanent residence in the Republic of Belarus, person nominated as candidate for deputy should submit a passport of the Republic of Belarus ; documents should be registered in the register of incoming documents.
Application submission Terms of check The day of documents submission for a candidate of deputy territorial organizations of real estate state registration territorial organizations of real estate state registration State Automobile Inspection Inspectorate on Taxes and Levies Securities Department of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus Registration day
Additional verification Handed in 1400 signatures selected 200 signatures (20 % from 1000) Unreliable signatures 31 signatures(15, 5 %)
selected 150 signatures (15 % от 1000) Unreliable signatures 22 signatures (14,6 %) Total number of unreliable signatures 31+22=53 signatures (15,1 %) Further verification is stopped
Protocol of registration of candidates for deputies Application with consent to be Nominated Biographical data Income and property declaration Special opinion of a commission member Commission decision on special opinion copies:
Constituency commission decision Central Commission Within three days after it was taken A person nominated as a candidate for a deputy Central Commission decision Supreme Court Within three days after it was taken A person nominated to be a candidate for Deputy’s office
since the day of registration as a candidate for deputies Election Day electoral propaganda till Election Day
use of mass media: TV and radio statements debates electoral programs publishing issuing and distribution of propaganda printed materials meetings with voters including mass events
Candidates for deputies office of the House of Representatives Free statements on the state TV and radio Participation in debates on national TV and radio (free) Publishing (free) of a pre-election program in the mass media defined by the Central commission Free premises for meetings with voters Candidates for deputies of the House of Representatives, their authorized persons Voters Mass events of the notification character (outdoor assemblies, meetings, picketing) Free premises for electoral assemblies
candidate for deputies not more than 20 base values citizen of the Republic of Belarus not more than 5 base values legal entity not more than 10 base values Maximum sum of all the expenditures not more than 1000 base values
The resources of the electoral fund can serve to pay for: on-air broadcasting time and printing space in the mass media; leasing of buildings and premises, equipment, transport expenditures, communication service; propagandistic printing materials; consultation and propagandistic work (services); stationery items and other expenditures directly related to the pre- election campaign election day first financial report from September 7 up to September 12 of the current year and including it 10 days prior to the election day 15 days prior to the election day election day concluding financial report 5 days after the election day not later than September 27 of the current year and including it
>50% of the voters included into the lists, have taken part in voting the elections have taken place More than 50% of the votes of the electorate taken part in voting are given for the candidate the deputy is elected in the first round of the election More than 50%, of the votes of the electorate taken part in the voting are not cast for anyone of the candidates the second round of voting
The Central Commission Constituency electoral commissions 1.Protocols on the election results in the constituencies 2.Special opinions of the members of commission, applications of the authorized persons of the candidates and other persons about electoral legislation violations and the decisions taken on them by the commission Precinct electoral commissions 1.Protocols on the voting 2.Special opinions of the members of commission, applications of the authorized persons of the candidates and other persons about electoral legislation violations and the decisions taken on them by the commission Not later than in 5 days after completing the voting After establishing the results of the counting of votes
a grievance Constituency commission not later than on the 3-d day after the election Constituency commission’s decision The Central commission within 3 days from the day of taking it The Central commission’s decision about recognizing the election as invalid The Supreme court within 3 days from the day of taking it
an application the Central commission not later than on the 3-d day after the election
the total number of the voters in the constituency included into the lists of the citizens having a voting right; the number of voters taken part in the election; the number of votes cast for each candidates; the number of votes cast against all the candidates (if the election was held with 1 candidate to be nominated – the number of votes cast against the candidate); the number of rejected voting ballots; first name, middle name, last name, date of birth, position (occupation), place of work and place of residence (city or village is specified), party membership of the elected deputy. Contents of the notification Term of submitting the notification to the mass media Election day 5-th day after the election September 28, 2012
A repeat election is held in case: if after the first ballot or the second one the election results in the constituency are recognized null and void or invalid; if in the first ballot there were no more than 2 candidates nominated and neither of them has received the necessary number of votes; if in the second ballot there is only one candidate left who hasn’t received the necessary number of votes; in case of deregistration all the candidates for Deputy’s office in the constituency. A repeat election is scheduled by the Central commission. A repeat election is held in case: if after the first ballot or the second one the election results in the constituency are recognized null and void or invalid; if in the first ballot there were no more than 2 candidates nominated and neither of them has received the necessary number of votes; if in the second ballot there is only one candidate left who hasn’t received the necessary number of votes; in case of deregistration all the candidates for Deputy’s office in the constituency. A repeat election is scheduled by the Central commission.