Social Studies Lesson Carrie Hamilton and Heather Kuhn ED 417
Home Address on a Map Unit-Communities First Grade
Objectives The first grade students will: Describe the exact location of places in terms of street name and address number. Locate places and gather information using a simple street map. Identify own address.
Materials Needed Magazines Scissors Glue Crayons Sentence strips Markers Play phone Paper
Websites Site 1: Additional Activities and Ideas Site 2: Maps Site 3:
Websites Cont’d Site 4: Maps Site 5:Maps
Activity 1 Given a magazine, each student will cut out a picture of a house. The pictures will then be taped on the wall. Each student will take turns describing the house in the picture that he or she cut out. The class will try and guess which house is the one being described. Each student will get a turn to describe his or her picture.
Activity 1 Cont’d After each child has had a turn, the class will then discuss which clues were the most helpful.
Address Address-a way to find a home or building Every home has an address that is different from every other home. It is important to know your address in case of an emergency or you get lost.
Activity 2 Students will draw a picture of the street on which they live. They are to label the street sign along with their house address. The students will then draw other houses on their street and sequentially number the other houses.
is used in the case of an EMERGENCY only! When calling you must know your address and phone number. Calling will contact the police, fire department, and paramedics.
Activity 3 The students will work in groups of two. Each child will take turns being the dispatcher and the caller. The caller will call with an emergency and will have to state his or her correct address and the dispatcher will have to accurately repeat the address.
Activity 4 The teacher will write each child’s address on a strip of paper. The address will be scattered on a table and each student will have to find his or her own address. Then the students will practice reading it to partners. At the end of the activity the students will draw a picture of their home and label it with their address.
Maps Map-a drawing that shows where places are. There are different kinds of maps: street maps state maps world maps
Activity 5 Students are to use the internet and go to Once at the website, the students will obtain a map that leads from their house to the school. The students will use the map that they have found and draw their own map labeling: their house with the appropriate address, names of streets traveled on the route to school, the school and its appropriate address. Once the maps are completed, they will be displayed in the classroom.