Detective Turner and his team of detectives have been busy interviewing people. They have now interviewed everyone using your questionnaire. This information is taking a long time to sort through, and the team are having difficulties finding the information they need. What they really need is a database, and this is something you are going to set up for them in this tutorial. But before you start, go to the next slide to complete an activity which will get you thinking about databases!
Activity: A travel agent is trying to create a database to collect information about people who are booking a flight. He is having a few problems and needs your help! Look at the information below, then match each Data box to the correct Field box. For example, the Data ‘Morecambe’ matches the Field ‘Town’. Rearrange the Field boxes to match the Data boxes by clicking on each box and dragging and dropping it into position. DATA FIELD Dr. 44 Paul Morecambe £ LA1 4FH Town House Number Postcode First Name Cost Title 11/12/2005 Date booked When you are ready, go to the next slide.
Activity: How did you do? Your next task is to enter the Data Type for each Data/Field pair by clicking on the box and typing a word from one of the following options: TEXT NUMBER CURRENCY DATE/TIME LOOKUP* For example, the Data/Field pair Morecambe/Town has the Data Type ‘Text’. * The data type Lookup is when you can only enter a choice of data. DATAFIELD Dr. 44 Paul Morecambe £ LA1 4FH Town House Number Postcode First Name Cost Title 11/12/2005 Date booked DATA TYPE Text When you are ready, go to the next slide.
Take a look at the answers below. Did you enter the correct Data Types? Text DATAFIELD Dr. 44 Paul Morecambe £ LA1 4FH Town House Number Postcode First Name Cost Title 11/12/2005 Date booked DATA TYPE Number Text Currency Lookup Date/Time Go to the next slide to see the learning objectives for this tutorial.
By the end of this tutorial, you will be able to: Create a database Input information into your database and check it for errors