Non-Traditional & Foreign Students Updates and New Procedures
Non-Traditional and Foreign Students – Updates and New Procedures2 OBJECTIVES: 1.Provide any updates to bylaws or policies (Bylaw 9.2.2, Policy 16 and Policy 17) 2.Review any new registration procedures 3.Discuss possible legislative issues and impact 4.Discuss International Student Task Force 5.Q & A
Non-Traditional and Foreign Students – Updates and New Procedures3 BYLAW & POLICY UPDATES Handbook re-formatted; only bylaws and policies 2.Bylaw re-numbered to match EL13S Form 3.Policy 16 added a new sub-section related to Non-Member Private School student registration procedures 4.Policy 17 added a new exception, clarified some language, amended language to match bylaws and changed registration procedure
Non-Traditional and Foreign Students – Updates and New Procedures4 NEW REGISTRATION PROCEDURES 1.Non-Traditional Students A.Non-Member Private School Students – New EL12V Form 2.Foreign Students A.New procedure for translated transcripts – new form provided B.New processing procedure – notification of eligibility will come through C2CSchools
Non-Traditional and Foreign Students – Updates and New Procedures5 LEGISLATIVE UPDATE 1.Once again “dodged a bullet” – House language passed in the house but died in the Senate, as well as Senate language dying – but they will be back 2.Non-Traditional Students A.Participation at any public school in any county 3.Foreign Students A.No proposed language in either House or the Senate – heard rumblings of one year eligibility in public schools
Non-Traditional and Foreign Students – Updates and New Procedures6 INTERNATIONAL STUDENT TASK FORCE 1.Committee of 18 representatives and 6 staff representatives 2.Held two meetings – one face to face and one by webinar 3.Issues of concern A.Inequity in number of years of participation B.How to streamline the registration process 4.Surveyed the Task Force on 14 suggested recommendations to address inequity in number of years of participation – two possible recommendations A.Not more than one-third of a sport roster can be international students in order to participate in the state series B.2 year limit of varsity/state series participation with no participation by 6 – 8 grade students 5.Other recommendations included continued effort to streamline the registration process and create a Review Committee
Non-Traditional and Foreign Students – Updates and New Procedures7 Q & A