To familiarize students with the basic features of cleaning residential areas Teach a method for purification of the SPE localities To acquaint with the basic principles of TSN for the cleaning of populated areas. Acquaint the method of examination and the health of clean- up households. Trained in sanitary inspection of individual treatment facilities: Conclusion The results testify to train laboratory and visual inspection for cleaning populated areas.
The student should know: Ethical and legal rules governing the relationship of man to man, society and the environment. Principles of operation of the possibility of the use of the soil to accommodate residential and public buildings. Features of the organization and conduct of sanitary and epidemiological measures to mitigate the adverse effects of risk factors on health and the environment. Features of the organization and conduct of sanitary and epidemiological measures to mitigate the adverse effects of risk factors on population health advisory opinions on the basis of the sanitary requirements of the state of purification of settlements and the environment. Techniques for sanitary inspection of supervision and make appropriate accounting and reporting documentation of treatment localities Terms of soil sampling, transport and storage, making the accompanying form.
The student should be able to: Conduct sanitary inspection of supervision and make appropriate accounting and reporting documentation of controlled objects. TSN carry on cleaning residential areasCarry TSN controlled objects cleaning of populated areas. Perform visual, laboratory and instrumental, computational methods purification step MSW Interpretation of the results of laboratory and instrumental investigations Compilation of graphic diagrams indicating soil sampling points.
Through the loop or seminars on communal hygiene students carries sanitary surveillance of cleaning residential areas. IN PSN students to carry out sanitary expertise general scheme of sanitary cleaning of populated areas, agree on the choice of sites and projects, construction of facilities for decontamination and disposal of solid and liquid waste, monitoring during construction and participate in the final building inspection. For sanitary surveys of land, located near sources of concentrated pollution can be recommended the following indicative map: Through the loop or seminars on communal hygiene students carries sanitary surveillance of cleaning residential areas. IN PSN students to carry out sanitary expertise general scheme of sanitary cleaning of populated areas, agree on the choice of sites and projects, construction of facilities for decontamination and disposal of solid and liquid waste, monitoring during construction and participate in the final building inspection. For sanitary surveys of land, located near sources of concentrated pollution can be recommended the following indicative map:
When TSN student holds the following: - Sampling for the regular removal of waste and sanitary condition of the territory of the individual buildings, neighborhoods, neighborhoods; - Monitoring of compliance with health regulations in the operation of facilities for decontamination and disposal of all types of waste, parks, transport for the export of waste and cleaning the streets. - Laboratory control of the sanitary condition of the soil and the effectiveness of decontamination waste. - Summarizing the results of observations of the sanitary condition of the village clean and based on this to develop recreational activities.
Screening program and clean sanitary condition of the village
A. General.1. Settlement (name, city, state, region) 2. The number of the resident population and the number produced in the locality of waste (liquid and solid). 3. Is there a special police unit to FDA. Staffing, its performance. 4. The degree of improvement of health of the village: the availability of centralized water supply, sewage and others.
5. The presence of a specified item of industrial, food and other enterprises, markets, public squares, stadiums, parks, beaches etc. Condition of Education, storage, disposal and decontamination of solid and liquid waste. 6. How is the question of collecting garbage. Whether there is sufficient musoropriemnikov, urns, raked, rubbish pits, latrines, their condition. 7. Substantial purification system: the export, rafting, planning and regular, unscheduled- Bid. 8. The number of garbage trucks, tankers, cargo transport. According to their quantified, the efficiency of their work. 9. The number of discharge stations, their sanitary condition. 10. The method obezzarazhivaya and the number of seats for the decontamination of waste, sanitary them.
11. Analysis of the morbidity of infectious diseases. 12. Overall the health of the whole village, the development of corrective action.
B. Scheme survey sanitary condition and clean-up of households. 1. address, neighborhood, street, № house.2-storey building, the size of the yard.3. The number of residents in the house. 4. whether the territory of homeownership outlets, catering facilities and others that may have an impact on the sanitary condition of the territory and homeownership.
5. landscaping: landscaping, tiling, the presence of children's playgrounds, etc. 6. household canalized, no. Device and location of water column (wells), its sanitary condition. 7. handling systems.8. Nalichaie residential waste collector, type collections, their sanitary condition. 9. Yard waste collections for: their capacity, type, quantity, material from which made , the presence of lids. Fill status of collections (in percentage) at the time of the survey and the time of their discharge (for reviews of the tenant). Where and how to set yard collections, distance from them until the end and external doors, residential building, to tap the column well.
10. Arrangements for the transport of cleaning and disposal of solid waste as possible, on schedule export of waste. 11. How is the collection of food waste, removal order and he observed. 12. The presence and location in the yard pomoyniki, obscheyu restroom use. Capacity and depth of raking, provided it be water permeability. The procedure for removal of sewage and mud. 13. Cleaning the yard, as well as when it is produced. 14. The results of bacteriological, helminthological and other studies of soil samples.
15. The results of census of larvae and pupae in the soil near the waste bin, sump. Results accounting winged flies. 16. Complaints tenants to lack of sanitation and sanitary condition of the yard. 17. The incidence of acute intestinal diseases tenants. 18. Overall the health of the yard and cleaning measures for their improvement.
Sources of waste water and their features methods of mechanical cleaning wastewater. principle of the circular tanks device and small sewerage scheme Biological methods purify household wastewater. Natural and artificial construction of biological wastewater treatment. Hygienic requirements conditions descent wastewater. Methods of treatment of industrial wastewater. Principles of Operation zagnevatelya settlers. Evaluating the effectiveness of treatment facilities for technical and hygienic parameters.
"Summary: 1. "Health" under the guidance of prof. Demidenko NM T 2. Guide to laboratory work on communal hygiene Goncharuk EI Moscow 1990 3. Sh.T.Otaboev, T.I.Iskandarov, G.T.Iskandarova "Kommunal hygiene" Tashkent 2010 th. 4 "Kommunal gigienadan Amal mashgulotlar Uchun ukuv kullanma. " Edited by Academician Iskandarova TI T. 2006y 5. "Communal Hygiene" E.I.Goncharuk Kiev in 2007 I, II part
- GT Iskandarova "Regional san. gig. problems of protection of water sources "water inpatient population of Uzbekistan. T - Health rules and regulations of planning and building of settlements of the Republic of Uzbekistan - Sanitary norms of admissible levels of electromagnetic fields of radio frequencies - Sanitary rules of design and maintenance of cemeteries - Health rules and regulations and the optimum allowable building density residential areas of cities of Uzbekistan
- Health rules and regulations design of residential houses in the climatic conditions of Uzbekistan - Health rules and regulations setting up and maintaining public toilets - Hygiene requirements for institutions, organizations, companies and individuals involved in the disinfection activities - Health rules and regulations for the use of mobile phones - Lecture materials.
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