Presented by: Dan Parker/FHWA
Streamlines the language from eight OMB circulars to one consolidated set of guidance. The following have been combined in this document: A-21 Cost Principles for Educational Institutions A-87 Cost Principles for State, Local and Indian Tribal Governments A-89 Federal Domestic Assistance Program Information A-102 Awards and Cooperative Agreements with State and Local Governments A-110 Uniform Administrative Requirements for Awards and Other Agreements with Institutions of Higher Education, Hospitals and other Non-Profit Organizations A-122 Cost Principles for Non-Profit Organizations A-133 Audits of States, Local Governments and Non-Profit Organizations A-50 Audit Follow-Up, (as related to Single Audits)
Focuses Federal Resources on Improving Performance and Outcomes Ensures Integrity of Federal Funds with Stakeholders Effective December 26, 2014 Cancels 49 CFR Parts 18 and 19 Application and Policy Implementation 2 CFR 200- Introduction
New Awards authorized on or after Dec 26, 2014 Project Modifications made on or after Dec 26, 2014 Audit Requirements – apply to audits of non- Federal entity fiscal years beginning on or after Dec 26, 2014
Federal Award versus Contract Federal Award ◦ Uniform Guidance requirements ◦ Subject to Single Audit Threshold Contract ◦ Utilized to purchase property or services to carry out Award ◦ FAR requirements ◦ NOT subject to Single Audit Threshold Subpart A §
Performance Measurement § Greater Focus on Internal Controls § Payments § Period of Performance § Greater Responsibilities for Sub-recipient Monitoring § Project Closeout § thru § Subpart D §
Performance Measurement ◦ Must relate financial data to performance accomplishments ◦ Demonstrate cost effective practices ◦ 23 U.S.C. 150 Federal-aid Highway Program Performance Management Measures ◦ Not applicable to FHWA Awards under Title 23 Chapter 1 ◦ Enhanced and Proactive Oversight Subpart D §
Consider them Earlier in the Process Provide Reasonable Assurance Exercise Judgment - Appropriate and Cost Effective based on the circumstances Safeguard Personally Identifiable Information (PII) Subpart D §
CMIA Treasury/State Agreements minimize New Restrictions for Payments to States 23 U.S.C. 121 limits payments to costs incurred to date plus federal share of value of stockpiled material Pass-through entities (State DOT) must: ◦ Allow sub-recipients to submit requests for reimbursement at least monthly ◦ Make payment within 30 calendar days after receipt of the billing Subpart D §
Imposes a period when project costs can be incurred ◦ Start Date (Project Effective Authorization Date) through the End Date Based on States Estimated Project Schedule FMIS Requirements Advance Construction Impacts Subpart D §
Subawards include required data elements and requirements Pre-award Risk Assessment Risk Based Oversight Framework Monitor the activities of the subrecipient Subpart D §
90 days after the agreement end date recipient submits: ◦ All Eligible Incurred Costs ◦ Performance and Financial Reports ◦ Specified Project Records Project Closure no later than 1 Year later Subpart D §
Subpart E § Generally Consistent with OMB A-87 or 2 CFR 225 Indirect Costs Negotiated Rates: one-time extension of up to 4 years Use ICAP – If the state or local government receives more than $35 million in Federal funds Use de minimus rate of 10% - If a non-Federal entity receives $35 million or less in total Federal awards (could be applied to sub-recipients such as LPAs) Narrative Cost Allocation Methods - Use of Appendix VII
Generally Consistent with OMB A-133 Applicable to audits of non-Federal entity fiscal years beginning on or after Dec 26, 2014 Increased Threshold for Single Audits ◦ Increased from $500,000 to $750,000 Updated Single Audit Compliance Supplement Subpart F §
§ State § Cost Sharing or Matching Stockpile Material and Toll/Bridge Credits § Program Income- ROW Proceeds § Procurements by States State Policies and Procedures and Specific Methods Sub-recipients 2 CFR 200- Deviations
Project Agreement End Date Impact of Period of Performance on AC Projects Procurement by State and subrecipients De minimis rate/definition of MTDC Subrecipient monitoring requirements
2 CFR 200- Resources 2CFR200 URL idx?tpl=/ecfrbrowse/Title02/2cfr200_main_02.tpl Council on Financial Assistance Reform (COFAR) FHWA Policy and Guidance Center 2 CFR 200 Implementation Guidance