 opera house 歌劇院  operatic adj. 歌劇的;戲劇化的 an operatic tenor 歌劇男高音.


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Presentation transcript:

 opera house 歌劇院  operatic adj. 歌劇的;戲劇化的 an operatic tenor 歌劇男高音

 underneath adv. 在 … 下面; 在 … 底下 I wore a thick woolen shirt underneath.

 pull off one’s mask = throw off one’s mask 揭掉某人的假面具  mask vt. 掩飾 The makeup on her face masked her real age.

 forced adj. 勉強的 The airplane made a forced landing because of the typhoon.  forceful adj. 強而有力的 The candidate made a forceful speech yesterday.

 an open secret / a close secret 公開的/不可告人的 秘密  in secret 秘密地;暗中 They arranged the party in secret.

 power n. 威力;智利;權力 - The enormous power of the storm destroyed the village. - I admire his great powers of mind. - He has great power over his family.  powerless adj. 無力的 I feel powerless to change the situation.

 a general manager 總經理  manage vt. 管理 I don’t know how to manage such a big restaurant.  manageable adj. 易管理的 The number of students is not manageable.  management n. [U] 管理 Skillful management made a success of the business. * the number of … 的數目 a number of 有些 ; 許多

 opposition n. [U] 反對 His plan met with opposition.  the opposition parties 在野黨 * meet with =encounter

 existent adj. 存在的;目前的 Food and housing are the existent problems.  existence n. [U] 存在 The temple has been in existence for 500 years.

 come out of prison 出獄  sent to prison 入獄  be in prison 坐牢  break prison 越獄  prisoner n. [C] 犯人 discharge / release a prisoner 釋放犯人

 horrible = fearful = dreadful = awful = terrible  horror n. [U] 恐怖 To our horror, there was blood everywhere at the scene of the murder case.  horrify vt. 使恐懼 All the children were horrified to hear the ghost story. * to one’s 情緒 N 令 …

 shock n. [C] 衝擊,打擊 culture shock 文化衝擊 an electric shock 電擊 Ellen was white with shock.  shocking adj. 令人震驚的 shocking news

 appearance n. 出現 I was shocked at his sudden appearance.  appear vi. 出現;看起來像是 - The ex-president seldom appears in public. - There appear to be no one there.  It appears that… 好像 It appears that everyone is quite busy. * ex- 前 … ex-wife ex-boyfriend

 loneliness n. [U] 孤獨 My old friend suffer from isolation and loneliness.  alone adj. 獨自的 He was alone but not lonely.

 joyful adj. 令人高興的 Susan talked about her married life with a joyful look in her eyes.  joyless adj. 不高興的 Nina is trapped in a joyless marriage.

 a safety belt = a seat belt 安全帶  safe adj. 安全的 We are safe from any danger while we stay in this room.  safe n. [C] 保險箱 The thief forced the safe open.

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