PSAT/NMSQT ® SAT ® Break AP ® Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) Agenda
The College Board’s mission is to connect students to college success and opportunity. Our Mission We are a not-for-profit membership organization committed to excellence and equity in education.
Louisiana PSAT/NMSQT Facts 12,340 PAST/NMSQT exams were administered to juniors in ,265 PSAT/NMSQT exams were administered to sophomores in ,117 fee waivers were allocated in fee waivers were used in 2009
Scores and percentiles Information about performance on every test question Personalized skills feedback Information about NMSC programs Self-reported grade average and college major of interest Access code for My College QuickStart ™ PSAT/NMSQT Score Report Plus
My College QuickStart ™ Personalized online college planning kit powered by students’ test results My Online Score Report Review test questions, answers and explanations My SAT Study Plan ™ Highlights skills for review and practice My College Matches Based on the student’s home state and selected major My Major & Career Matches Based on the major chosen when students take the test. Provides access to MyRoad ™ College and Career Planning Tools
My Online Score Report Look Beyond The Score When students visit My Online Score Report, they can learn from their test results with these features: Complete answer explanations State percentiles Projected SAT® score ranges Answers that can be sorted
College and Career Planning Tips Arrange for a computer lab session to introduce students to My College QuickStart Use free lesson plans to guide students through structured My College QuickStart and MyRoad activities
PSAT/NMSQT results Identify students likely to succeed in Advanced Placement Program ® Increases access to AP Helps ensure that no student with the chance to succeed in AP is overlooked Easy-to-use online tool Generates rosters of students likely to score a 3 or better on the 25 AP Exams AP Potential ™
Access codes are included on the Roster of Student Scores and Plans, delivered with score reports in December. AP Potential Sign in at
AP Potential You select a performance criterion for each AP class your school offers …
AP Potential Student Detail All courses selected noted Status of meeting the criteria Probability for scoring a 3 noted
AP Potential Tips Export data into an Excel spreadsheet to make it easy to read and use. Create letters to parents. AP Potential provides sample letters in English and Spanish.
Get the Most from PSAT/NMSQT Results Go online for more information about PSAT/NMSQT tools and resources:
Louisiana SAT Facts In ,556 SAT exams were administered in Louisiana Louisiana’s mean Critical Reading, Math and Writing scores were 563, 558, and 555 respectively. The national mean scores for Critical Reading, Math, and Writing were 502, 515, an 493 respectively.
U.S. Registration Deadlines Test DatesTest Regular Registration Deadline (postmark/submit by) October 10, 2009 SAT & Subject Tests September 9, 2009 November 7, 2009 SAT & Subject Tests October 1, 2009 December 5, 2009 SAT & Subject Tests October 30, 2009 January 23, 2010 SAT & Subject Tests December 15, 2009 March 13, 2010 SAT only February 4, 2010 May 1, 2010 SAT & Subject Tests March 25, 2010 June 5, 2010 SAT & Subject Tests April 29, SAT Test Dates
A list of closed test centers and scheduled makeup test dates will be available at during the week before a test date. If a test center is closed, the SAT Program will notify test-takers about a makeup test date. Test Center Closures and Makeup Testing
Fee waivers are available for students who cannot afford the fees associated with the SAT or SAT Subject Tests Up to four fee waivers Four additional flexible score reports Expanded to 9th- and 10th-graders Up to four requests for waiver of college application forms Fee Waivers and SAT Subject Tests ™
What’s New for Students What’s New with the SAT at A completely redesigned online registration process Students choose test centers in real time A more intuitive score-reporting process Online Score Choice ™ tutorial guides students A tour of SAT ® Skills Insight™ Helps students understand skills the SAT tests and how they can improve them My SAT Online Score Report The primary way students receive scores
SAT Counselor Toolkit What’s New with the SAT at To access all these resources and much more, visit:
This Is Your SAT SAT Program Materials (Students) This new brochure is a great introduction to the SAT and can help students and their parents to learn more about the SAT and SAT Subject Test.
The SAT Program Handbook 2009–2010 SAT Program Materials (Counselors) This handbook: Includes important information about the SAT and SAT Subject Tests Registration Testing and scoring policies Practices
Score Choice ™ Poster 2009–2010 SAT Program Materials (Counselors) Displayed in the counseling office or career center, this poster can help answer students’ questions about Score Choice
The truth is: a little practice goes a long way
Practice CD 2009–2010 SAT Program Materials (Counselors) Allows students using the SAT Practice Booklet to hear sample listening test questions Should be kept in your office for students to use The practice CD for SAT Language with Listening Subject Tests:
“Suggestions for Improvement” help students advance to a higher score band. For each score band, academic skills are categorized by skill group. SAT scores are grouped into six “score bands” between 200 and 800. “Academic Skills” are skills typical of students who score within the selected score band. “Skill Examples” are actual SAT questions that illustrate the meaning of each skill. 29
About Score Choice A new score reporting feature: Gives students the option to send to colleges the test scores they feel best represent their abilities Designed to reduce student test anxiety and enable students to feel more comfortable on test day
How Score Choice Works College Score-Use Policies: Score Choice is optional. The default selection is all scores. Scores can be selected by test date for SAT and by individual test for SAT Subject Tests. Any/all scores can be sent to a college on a single report, at no additional charge. All scores will continue to go to students and high schools.
Louisiana’s USDOE AP Test Fee Program Rima Duhon Louisiana Virtual School AP® Program Coordinator
LA AP ® Academy Does the AP Ledger report your school and the AP courses offered by your school? Go to If you enroll students in LVS AP courses, have you reported this via the schools AP Course Audit AP Course Audit account?
AP Course Audit Instructions for Selecting an Online or Distance Learning Provider Through the AP Course Audit Web site, AP Course Audit administrators are able to indicate which authorized online/distance learning courses your school is offering to its students. To do so, AP Course Audit administrators should sign in to the AP Course Audit Web site, navigate to the "Add Online or Distance Learning Course" page, select the authorized courses your school offers from the Online or Distance Learning Course Provider. These online AP courses will then be included with your school's other authorized courses in the AP Course Ledger sent to colleges and universities.
LA AP ® Academy If your AP ® course is not authorized through the AP Course Audit your school CANNOT apply the AP label on report cards, to high school transcripts, in course catalogs, or on school websites (David Roe, Director, AP Course Audit,
2009 AP ® Test Fee Grant Provides funding for reimbursement of low- income AP Exam Fees for tests taken in May Please note the following: Students must be between the ages of 5 and 19 on test day Students must have been enrolled in an AP® course for the test fee being reimbursed Each student must meet the definition of "Low Income" requirement Must fill in the "Option 1" oval on qualifying students' AP® Exam answer sheets.
2009 AP ® Test Fee Grant The 2009 AP® Test Fee Reimbursement Grant Application is available for download on the Louisiana Virtual School web site. Go to The new application is a PDF fill-in-form! DO NOT skip Page 3; you MUST enter the steps taken by your school/district to overcome the six barriers identified in GEPA that may prevent your students, teachers, etc. from access or participation in the AP® Test Fee Program. Nonpublic schools must give The College Board written permission to release student AP® test data to the Louisiana Department of Education in order to qualify for reimbursement
2009 AP ® Test Fee Grant LDOE Reimbursement Process: 1.Schools submit application 2.Once application is approved it is moved to BESE for authorization of allocation 3.If approved by BESE, moved to LDOE Education Finance (Julie Cutrer) for issuance of Grant Award Notice (GAN) GAN’s are issued to the school district Superintendent or non-public director since Federal Funding must flow through the district 4.Once district receives GAN they must submit to LDOE Ed Finance Budget Summary and Budget Detail forms along with Federal Assurances form.
2009 AP ® Test Fee Grant LDOE Reimbursement Process: 5.When Budget Forms are received by LDOE Ed Finance they send to me for approval, I approve budget forms and then send back to Julie Cutrer. 6.Award is then entered into the LDOE Ed Finance system and moved to Appropriation Control 7.District must submit Request for Funds to Appropriations Control 8.When Request for Funds is received, if Budget Forms have been received, approved, and processed then payment is sent to the district. District then must reimburse the school.
2010 AP ® Test Fee Grant USDOE just announced the RFP for the 2010 AP® Test Fee Program Grant. We will submit another application and the award announcements should be made sometime in January or November 2010.
Contact Me Rima S. Duhon LVS AP® Program Coordinator Division of Technology Office of Educator Support 1201 N. 3rd Street, G219B Baton Rouge, LA NEW Office: NEW FAX: NEW
AP ® Course and Exam Updates
The following exams/courses are undergoing revisions: AP Art History Exam AP French Language Exam AP Computer Science A Course AP Course and Exam Updates More information:
Created at the request of secondary school and college members of the College Board, the AP Course Audit is designed to: AP Course Audit
Online AP score reporting for schools AP Service Enhancements As more information becomes available, updates will be posted on the College Board’s website and ed to AP Coordinators, AP administrators, AP teachers and district personnel. The College Board is actively developing an online AP score delivery system for secondary schools and districts, which could be available as early as summer 2010, in time for delivery of 2010 AP Exam scores.
Exam calendars, exam ordering and return deadlines The testing area of the College Board professionals website contains a wealth of information and resources for AP Coordinators and proctors: Where to Find Information About the AP Exam Administration Important changes, updates and announcements PDFs of AP Exam administration publications, including the AP Coordinator’s Manual and exam scripts Information about grade reporting services AP Coordinator’s “home page,” with templates for spreadsheets, letters, presentations and forms Visit
January 31, 2010, is the final deadline for first-time submissions, all renewals and all Course Audit form approvals for AP courses AP Course Audit Reminders AP French Literature, AP Computer Science AB, AP Latin Literature and AP Italian Language and Culture labels should no longer be used. Only those AP courses that will be offered during the school year should be renewed. Option to renew is available August 1.
Proper Use of the AP Trademark Reminder All schools using authorized online AP courses must include these courses in their AP Course Ledger. School administrators can add authorized online courses from their AP Course Audit accounts. Like all courses, only authorized online courses can be labeled “AP.”
AP Course Audit account holders receive and can send messages directly from their account’s Communication Center. All messages to and from AP Course Audit are stored here. AP Course Audit Communication Center
New website includes: Brand new design Clearly outlined process Up-to-date content Resources organized by role (e.g., teacher, school administrator, higher education) 2009–2010: New AP Course Audit Website
New Resources to Help You Share the Value of AP with Students AP and the Cost of College (PDF): This information sheet highlights recent research findings on the relationship between AP participation and college costs, and it shows how AP can help students and parents mitigate the cost of college. Download the PDF at: Choose AP: This brochure can be used by school counselors and administrators to share with their students the unique benefits of the AP Program. Order free printed copies at:
Services for Students with Disabilities
The College Board provides testing accommodations to students who demonstrate a need for accommodations, due to a disability. All testing accommodations used on College Board tests must be approved by the College Board’s Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD), prior to the test. Once approved by SSD, with limited exceptions, a student remains approved for accommodations for all future College Board tests (SAT, AP, PSAT/NMSQT). START EARLY! Processing takes approximately seven weeks from the receipt of complete information when documentation is required.
Check a student’s accommodation status online (no need to call the College Board). See information about all of your SSD students in one place. Print lists of requested documentation. Get immediate feedback of Eligibility Form errors and documentation requirements, when completing an accommodations request. Print rosters showing all students approved for accommodations at any time. Some Benefits of the New Online System
Online Dashboard Shows status and accommodation information for all students
Print out a parental consent form and have the parent sign it. Log onto the Disability Accommodations Management system on to begin the process. –Note: If you do not already have one, you will need to create a professional log-in account. How It Works Complete questions online regarding the student’s disability, requested accommodations, and available documentation. Submit request electronically. The system will inform you if documentation is required. When required, submit documentation by mail or fax. Receive notifying you that decision has been made; log in to view decision letter. Log in at any time to see status of students’ request or to print a roster. It is important you create a professional log-in account as soon as possible. Creating an account prior to launch of the new application will facilitate access to it.
Online Eligibility Form
Additional Benefits of Online Eligibility Form Documentation requests will be streamlined to reflect each student’s disability and requested accommodation. (For example, students with a medical disability will be asked for medical documentation.) Error messages will indicate when responses appear incorrect. This will reduce mistakes, requests for more information and the need to resubmit requests. Online assistance, with links to relevant information about accommodations and documentation, will be available.
Online process will be available in late Check the SSD website and s for more information. Do not use the paper eligibility form after September SSD Coordinator’s hotline: Outside the U.S.: Additional information will be sent by to SSD Coordinators. Note:
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