A WALK THROUGH THE GENWARE AUDIT PROCESSOR™ Brought to you by Genware Computer Systems to schedule your demonstration.
The Usage and Usability Dashboard provides valuable trending information. Filter by Application or view trends for the entire system. Drill through to details as needed.
The Content and Security Dashboard provides a count of all content in the Content Store. Drill through to details and also see items that have been deleted between refresh cycles. This dashboard also shows the size of content in the content store and who the top owners of content are.
The Application Management utility allows you to define your own Applications by selecting Users and/or Content from the Content Store including Packages, Folders, or individual Objects.
Dashboard reports are included for easy viewing of trend data. Filter by Application or view for the entire system. Drill through to details when you need to.
The Project Manager is typically a business owner who has a stake in the success of an application. For this manager, it is important that the initial ROI used to justify the application be realized and it is imperative that the application be adopted into its intended business workflow. The Project Manager Portal report includes Proactive, Reactive, and trend-based metrics that provide actionable information to key areas affecting the success of an application. Role Based portals show the Genware Metrics for Application Management™ allowing you to proactively manage your applications.
The User Profile Report reveals how individual users interact with the applications. Profile reports provide a snapshot of activity for Users, Applications, and Application Servers. Filter by Time or Application.
With over 100 Detailed reports out the box, you have access to all the Usage, Usability, Security, and Content information needed to manager your Applications.
Leveraging the included Dimensionally modeled Metadata, create your own analysis, queries or reports.
The Genware Suite Store includes meta data for security and content, and a data mart for optimal Usage and Usability analysis. Aggregate audit data Daily, Weekly, or Monthly and still have access to Live data for real-time Audit needs.
The Genware Audit Processor is also for IBM Cognos series 7. This Dashboard provides an overview of the Series 7 environment and activity.
Migrating from Series 7 to IBM Cognos 8 Scope your migration with factual data from your Series 7 applications Benchmark performance for comparisons Review Portal content and security settings to plan the new environment …