Introduction Organizational Behavior is concern with the study of behavior of people as individuals & groups within the organizational setting
Levels of organizational Behavior Organizational Processes Group Processes Individual Processes Change Management, Culture Teams,conflict,Leadersh ip Power & politics Perception, Personality, Attitudes, Motivation
NATURE OF OB Distinct field of study Behavioral Approach to management Practical Orientation Levels of Analysis Concern of effectiveness Human tool Satisfaction of individual & Organizational Needs
Forces affecting OB Individuals Groups Organization Structure Technology Environment
Significance of OB Understanding of Self & Others Better Communication Motivation of Subordinates Attainment of objectives Controlling & directing behavior Management of Change Creation of Congenial climate
Management Challenges Changing technology leading to obsolescence of present skills & techniques. Changing profile of workers,e.g. increased educational level, increased emphasis on fulfillment of psychological needs
Responding to Globalization Challenge of Information Age Coping with anticapitalism Backlash Overseeing movement of jobs to countries with low cost labour Managing workforce diversity
Characteristics of OB Management is Purposeful Management id Activity based Management is social process Management is an Integrative process Management is Group activity Management is Multidisciplinary subject Management is Intangible
Levels of Management Top Management- It performs the higher level management functions & takes all the policy decisions. Top management includes Board of directors & chief executives Middle Management- It consist of heads of various department..The job of middle level managers is to organize theirs departments to implement the top management’s policies. They are responsible in their areas. Lower Management- Lower or operative management consists of foreman,supervisors,office superintendents etc Who are responsible for direction of operative employees.
Roles of Managers Interpersonal Roles Figurehead Leader Liaison Informational Roles Monitor Disseminator Spokesperson Decisional Roles Entrepreneur Disturbance handler Resource Allocator Negotiation
Basic OB Model Individual Level Group Level Organization System level
Abilities Ability refers to an individual’s capacity to perform the various tasks. Types of Abilities- Intellectual Ability Physical Ability
Cultural Intelligence It is an outsider’s natural ability to interpret an interpret an individual’s unfamiliar gestures & behaviors in the same way that others from the individual’s culture would.