Sabbath School Maximiser Creating Healthy Churches That Reach The Lost Rob Steed © 2008 In2action Creating Healthy Churches That Reach The Lost Rob Steed © 2008 In2action
Jesus Desire For His Church "My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. John 17: 20,21
The Great Commission The Great Commission Therefore go and make believers of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. -Matthew 28:18-20 disciples
Principle For Growth Principle For Growth The kingdom of God is like a farmer who casts seed upon the ground; and goes to bed at night and gets up by day, and the seed sprouts up and grows - how, he himself does not know. The earth produces crops all by itself ; first the blade, then the head and then the mature grain in the head. Mark 4:26-28
KEY INSIGHT... Healthy churches grow and reproduce! A Multiplying Church
A Reproducible System Franchising Ministry: Franchising approach to ministry, You reap what you sow Franchises have figured out, in the details, exactly what it takes to reap their desired results. They sow the required behaviour and expect and get the desired results, every single time. Josh Hunt
Its about use of energy What a franchising approach does is to use the energy of the team where it matters, in implementation. It is not about a handful of broad principles. I wish I had a dollar for every time I have heard someone say that all we have to do is understand a handful of broad principles and everything will work out. It is not true. Success is not in understanding a handful of broad principles. It is in the details. Josh Hunt
Maximiser System 1.Is about building community. 2.Is about focusing on the lost. 3.Is a simple change strategy that adds and modifies to the existing Sabbath School ministry. 4.Each step improves a class-groups holism. 5.Multiplying only one class creates a new leader, a new spiritual family and a new ministry. 6.Is a systematic and intentional method for growing your church.
Session. 1 There Is More To Sabbath School The Sabbath School should be one of the greatest instrumentalities, and the most effectual, in bringing souls to Christ. Ellen White
There Is More To Sabbath School "Spiritual workers are needed not only to labor in the pulpit but to do personal work among the people. Too much time is devoted to the churches in preaching. This is not attended with the best results. The work of the Lord's ambassadors is to organize companies of workers to hunt for the souls who need help." Ellen White Manuscript Vol 12 p240
Regain Soul Winning A number of changes required: 1.Life beyond Sabbath Morning. 2.Find ways to connect with un-churched people and former members. 3.Clear soul winning purpose. 4.Exercise members gifts. 5.Develop more leaders.
2 Key Changes 1.Increase health of each class. 2.Reposition classes as the foundational organisational unit of the church.
Holistic Class Life Members grow in faith. Dig in the Word for guidance. Receive encouragement. Grow real friendships. Participate in ministry. Share faith. Disciple newcomers. Hold each other accountable.
Facts About Small Groups "...most strongly related to (church) vitality is the involvement of attenders in small groups. Shaping A Future NCLS If we were to identify any one principle as the most important, then without a doubt it would be the multiplication of small groups. Christian Schwarz Natural Church Development page 32
Power Of Groups Holistic class-groups bring power to a church. 1.This power comes as members enter into the presence of God through Christ in group meetings. 2.It comes from the study and application of the Word.
Power Of Groups 3.It comes as group members share their stories and prayer life with each other. 4.The group releases the power of the individual as members are encouraged to develop and exercise their giftedness within and outside of the group.
Five Components 1.Class-group Connection 2.Equipping 3.Accountability 4.Leadership 5.Evangelism
Discussion Questions 1. Rate out of ten the overall health of your classes. 2. Review each class and determine which of the five components of holistic class need developing. a. Connection to church b. Equipping c. Accountability d. Leadership e. Evangelism 3. Discuss, "How ready for transition is your church?"