Elohay Kedem God of the beginning. Elohim might or strong one.


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Presentation transcript:

Elohay Kedem God of the beginning

Elohim might or strong one

Elohay Mishpat God of Justice

Elohay Selichot God of Forgiveness

Elohay Marom God of Heights

Elohay Mikarov God Who is Near

Elohay Mauzi God of My Strength

Elohay Tehilati God of My Praise

Elohay Yishi God of My Salvation

Elohim Kedoshim Holy God

Elohim Chaiyim Living God

Elohay Elohim God of Gods

Adonai master, sovereign ruler, Lord

Yahweh I am who I am

Jehovah Lord

El Shaddai God Almighty

El Elyon God most High

El Roi God who sees

Jehovah Jirah God who provides

Jehovah Sabbaoth Lord of hosts

Jehovah Rophe God who heals

Jehovah Shalom Lord of peace

Jehovah Nissi Lord is my banner

Jehovah Tsidkenu Lord is our righteousness

Jehovah Maccaddeschecem the Lord who makes you holy

Jehovah Rohi Lord is our Shepherd

El HaNe’eman The Faithful God

El HaGadol The Great God

El HaKadosh The Holy God

El Yisrael The God of Israel

El HaShamayim The God of the Heavens

El De’ot The God of Knowledge

El Emet The God of Truth

El Yeshuati The God of My Salvation

El Elyon The Most High God

Immanu El God Is With Us

El Olam The God of Eternity

El Echad The One God

Abba Father

God the Father

Lord of All the Earth

God is... The Ancient of DaysOur ShieldOur RefugeThe Refiner, PurifierOur Redeemer

God the Son

Jesus Christ


Emmanuel, God with Us

God Manifest in the Flesh

Alpha and Omega

The Life

The Word

Son of Man


Lamb of God

The Way

The Vine

The Bread of Life

Light of the World

The Morning Star


King of Kings

Prince of Peace

God the Spirit

Spirit of Wisdom

Spirit of Understanding

Spirit of Knowledge and the Fear of the Lord

Breath of the Almighty

Holy Spirit




Our Father who art in heaven Hallowed be thy name Thy kingdom come Thy will be done On earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread And forgive us our debts As we forgive our debtors And lead us not into temptation But deliver us from evil For thine is the kingdom, & the power and the glory forever. Amen