Ross Smith IV Senior Program Manager, Exchange Server Microsoft Corporation SESSION CODE: UNC202 Kyryl Perederiy Senior Systems Engineer, Business Online Services Microsoft Corporation
Be Microsoft’s First and Best Customer Protect Microsoft Digital Assets Run World-Class IT Drive productivity for our customers, clients and partners
SAN CCR Parallel SCSI Reduced Cost Greater server density per GB, reduced power consumption, lower hosting costs Consolidation from 74 Exchange sites in 2000, to 4 Exchange sites today! Reduced storage cost due to cheaper technology (SAN DAS SATA) Backup/Data Protection optimizations Year ,000 Exchange 5.5 Standalone Server 150 GB of storage 50 MB mbx quotas Exchange Node Cluster (4 x Active / 3 x Passive) 1 TB of SAN storage 200 MB mbx quotas Exchange 2007 Exchange Online 2-Node CCR Cluster (Active/Passive) 2x10TB of DAS storage 500MB & 1GB mbx quotas Exchange Node Cluster (Active/Passive) 500 GB of storage 100 MB mbx quotas Exchange 2010 Exchange Online DAG architecture 16x35TB of JBOD storage Scale out 5GB mbx quotas 100% 65% 41% 18% $ / Seat (1998 =$‘s 100%) Increased Availability Protection from server-level failures (Exchange 2000/2003) Protection from Server & Storage level failures (CCR – Exchange 2007 and DAG – Exchange 2010) Possibility of achieving geo- redundancy via native Exchange features (Exchange 2007/2010) Increased Capability Significant mailbox limits increase Massive adoption of mobile messaging scenarios (phone, outlook web access) Transitioning Unified Messaging from 3 rd party platform to Exchange Instant Messaging/Presence integration 12% Scale Server Usable Capacity (GB) 35,000
40,000 35, ,000 2,000
RoleConfiguration Hub Transport2x4 cores, 16GB RAM Client Access2x4 cores, 16GB RAM Unified Messaging2x4 cores, 16GB RAM Multi-Role (Hub/CAS/UM)2x4 cores, 16GB RAM Mailbox (Large DAGs: Redmond, Dublin, Singapore)2x4 cores, 32GB RAM Mailbox (4-node DAG: Sao Paulo – small scale)1x4 cores, 16GB RAM
ComponentLoad BalancingFault Tolerance Mailbox ServerN/ADAG Hub Transport ServerMBX HUB: Built in Internet TransportExchange Hosted Services (EHS) Hardware Load Balancing Client Access ServerInternal: Hardware Load Balancing External: Network Load Balancing + UAG 2010 WPLB Unified MessagingUM IP Gateway: Multiple IP Gateways per dial plan IP Gateway UM: Built in (Round Robin between UM)
Singapore Sao Paulo Redmond Dublin Redmond- Exchange AD Site Link AD Site with Exchange Servers AD Site without Exchange Servers
Sao Paulo Redmond Dublin Singapore Redmond- Exchange AD Site Link Exchange Routing AD Site with Exchange Servers AD Site without Exchange Servers
Dublin Sao Paulo Singapore Redmond- Exchange AD Site Link Custom Site Link ExchangeCost=10 ADCost=999 set-adsitelink Dublin-to-RedmondExchange -ExchangeCost 10 set-adsitelink SaoPaulo-to-RedmondExchange -ExchangeCost 10 set-adsitelink Singapore-to-RedmondExchange -ExchangeCost 10 Redmond
Location# DAGs /regio n # nodes /DAG # disks /server # disks /DAG # copies for each DB Total DB Copies /DAG # DBs /DAG Actual Mailboxes Supported # 5GB Redmond211 Node DAG (JBOD)38496~29000 / DAG / DAG Redmond110 Node DAG (JBOD)34887~ Dublin116 Node DAG (JBOD)512 [560]128 [140] ~ Singapore116 Node DAG (JBOD)512 [560]128 [140] ~ Sao Paulo14 Node DAG (JBOD)4816~ N – used capacity; [M] – provisioned capacity
Number of Active Databases / Server Number of Active Mailboxes / Server Normal Runtime st Server Failure nd Server Failure rd Server Failure133900
Primary Secondary Remote Historical
Accidentally Deleted Items Long Term Data Retention Long Term Data Retention Mailbox Resiliency Single Item Recovery Large Mailboxes + Retention Policies Fast Recovery Data Retention HW/SW Failures Dumpster 2.0 Mailbox Primary Dumpster 2.0 Mailbox Secondary Dumpster 2.0 Mailbox Tertiary Dumpster 2.0 Mailbox Quaternary
ProtocolAffinity/Persistence Setting RPC/TCPSource IP RPC/HTTPs (OA)None* (original method Source IP) OWA/ECPCookie EWSCookie/SSL ID EASHTTP Authorization Header Autodiscovernone OABSource IP Users in Redmond site: 100K Observed Load Balancer Footprint: RPC: 250K TCP connections 1Gbps bandwidth HTTPs: 100K TCP connections 300Mbps bandwidth