Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management Building Resilient Soldiers and Families
Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management Community Covenant
Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management Purpose To provide an overview of the Community Covenant program
Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management “I want to say this to all of you: You have done everything that has been asked of you. The United States of America is proud of you. I'm proud to be your Commander-in- Chief….Your families will always be a priority of Michelle's and mine, and remain on our hearts and on our minds. And when our service members do return home, it will be to an America that always welcomes them home with the care that they were promised.” President Barack Obama To Military Members and their Families The White House, July 4,
Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management Community Covenant is a formal commitment of support by state and local communities to Soldiers and their Families – Active, Guard and Reserve Community Covenant fosters and sustains effective state and community relationships to improve the quality of life for Soldiers and their Families Tailored to the local level, with leaders at both local and state levels participating in covenant signing ceremonies recognizing the strength of Army Soldiers, their Families, and the support of the local community. Community Covenant signings have led to new programs or initiatives of support for Service Members and their Families Allows the sharing of “best practices” to assist communities find ways to support, and for Soldiers and Families to find access to additional programs 5 Overview
Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management April 17, 2008 – program is launched with signing ceremony in Columbus, Georgia with Fort Benning community To date, 326 signing ceremonies in 46 states and 4 territories Over 40 ceremonies scheduled, 200 planned into early 2010 North Dakota League of Cities – all cities are signing Community Covenants (accounting for 184 of the ceremonies) 6 Signing Ceremonies
Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management Beyond signing ceremonies – what’s next? −Increase support from community groups and volunteers −Help fill gaps and provide alternatives to Army services Refining “Best Practices” – categories and criteria −Identifying new “best practices” and sharing across the Army −Criteria based on connection to Army needs Linking community support to specific Soldier/Family needs −Programs that lessen stress of daily hassles and some chronic stressors −Finding new programs to support Guard and Reserve Partnering with government agencies and nonprofit organizations −Community support – a key cog in support network to build resilience −Red Cross, VA, American Legion, private citizens making a difference Community Covenant Web Site −provides linkages between Soldiers and Families with needed services 7 Enduring Program
Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management Deployed Soldier/Unit Support Adopt a unit, Operation Gratitude, USO Education Support In-state tuition, tuition assistance, Interstate Compact Employment Support Hire a Hero, Spouses to Teachers,, Nurse Licensure Compact Family Support Our Military Kids, YMCA, Fisher House, Give an Hour, MCEC, NMFA Financial Support AER, USA Cares, American Red Cross, Operation Homefront Surviving Spouses American Widow Project, HUGSS, TAPS Wounded Warrior Support Building Homes for Heroes, Intrepid Fund, Challenge America 8 Best Practices Categories and Examples
Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management Bring awareness to existing programs −Soldiers, Families and community members Soldiers and Families needs are met −Reaching geographically-dispersed Soldiers and Families Share ideas among communities −To get involved with an existing program −Replicate an idea in another community 9 Impact
Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management National Programs State/Local Programs & Initiatives Event Calendar Social Media Links Covenant Inspired News Resources Frequently Asked Questions 10 Web Site
Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management “I try to encourage every American to either call their National Guard unit, or their Army unit, or Marine unit in their area, and say what can I do to help? What that means is that when the families at home are taken care of, our soldiers can then concentrate and focus on the job they’re supposed to do.” Dr. Jill Biden NBC “Today” Show New York City, June 4,