Designed by ProBono Graphics Title Page
Designed by ProBono Graphics Government/Economics Jeopardy Gov/Ec System COWSLiedingisms Who’s the Boss? CountriesFreedom Direct or Ind?
Designed by ProBono Graphics This System is run by a dictator.
Designed by ProBono Graphics This system starts with an “M”.
Designed by ProBono Graphics Would the REAL King and Queen please stand up!
Designed by ProBono Graphics This one was the FOURTH System to be written on the board.
Designed by ProBono Graphics You can live a dream or live a nightmare.
Designed by ProBono Graphics You have 2 cows, sell one, and buy a bull.
Designed by ProBono Graphics You have 2 cows, the Government takes your cows…and shoots you.
Designed by ProBono Graphics You have 2 cows, your neighbors all help you take care of the cows and EVERYONE shares the milk.
Designed by ProBono Graphics You have 2 cows, the government takes your cows, puts them in a barn with everyone else’s cows and then gives you the milk it thinks you need.
Designed by ProBono Graphics You have two cows, you have to take care of the cows, and the government takes all the milk.
Designed by ProBono Graphics “Dennis just disappears.”
Designed by ProBono Graphics “You can live in the penthouse or, if you prefer, the basement.”
Designed by ProBono Graphics “We have taken a ‘vote’ and have decided that we want you out of power …oh yeah? You and what army?”
Designed by ProBono Graphics “You throw your tv…hop on an airplane…get a taxi…jump the fence…run across the lawn…knock down the White House doors…and say ‘You - Me - NOW!!!’”
Designed by ProBono Graphics “Awww…isn’t that special!”
Designed by ProBono Graphics The Dictator is the Boss.
Designed by ProBono Graphics You are the Boss.
Designed by ProBono Graphics You are the boss…depending on what you own.
Designed by ProBono Graphics Everyone is the boss…and nobody is the boss.
Designed by ProBono Graphics The King of England is the boss. (2 Answers!)
Designed by ProBono Graphics U.S.S.R.
Designed by ProBono Graphics Spain
Designed by ProBono Graphics Italy
Designed by ProBono Graphics The Amish…kinda.
Designed by ProBono Graphics Old England
Designed by ProBono Graphics Absolute Freedom
Designed by ProBono Graphics Freedom to have your stuff stolen and then run for your life!
Designed by ProBono Graphics Freedom to do what you are told or something really bad happens.
Designed by ProBono Graphics Freedom to be the best neighbor …EVER.
Designed by ProBono Graphics Freedom to run up and bust the White house doors down and yell at the President.
Designed by ProBono Graphics “Yo President…I got ta talk wit you!”
Designed by ProBono Graphics Vote for someone who knows the system better.
Designed by ProBono Graphics “If you do not do a good job…no re- election for you!”
Designed by ProBono Graphics I do not care…I do not understand…but I have an opinion!”
Designed by ProBono Graphics “Ok, there are 25 of us…total! I think that we should do this…”
Designed by ProBono Graphics Subject Double Jeopardy Topic One Topic Two Topic Three Topic Four Topic Five. Topic.Six. Topic Seven
Designed by ProBono Graphics Pick a number
Designed by ProBono Graphics Between one and ten
Designed by ProBono Graphics Then divide by two
Designed by ProBono Graphics Add three
Designed by ProBono Graphics And multiply by.5
Designed by ProBono Graphics
Designed by ProBono Graphics
Designed by ProBono Graphics
Designed by ProBono Graphics
Designed by ProBono Graphics
Designed by ProBono Graphics
Designed by ProBono Graphics
Designed by ProBono Graphics
Designed by ProBono Graphics
Designed by ProBono Graphics
Designed by ProBono Graphics
Designed by ProBono Graphics
Designed by ProBono Graphics
Designed by ProBono Graphics
Designed by ProBono Graphics
Designed by ProBono Graphics
Designed by ProBono Graphics
Designed by ProBono Graphics
Designed by ProBono Graphics
Designed by ProBono Graphics
Designed by ProBono Graphics
Designed by ProBono Graphics
Designed by ProBono Graphics
Designed by ProBono Graphics
Designed by ProBono Graphics
Designed by ProBono Graphics
Designed by ProBono Graphics
Designed by ProBono Graphics
Designed by ProBono Graphics
Designed by ProBono Graphics The End
Designed by ProBono Graphics Final Subject Jeopardy