Republic A political order in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who are entitled to vote for officers and representatives responsible to them.
Representative Democracy A government where citizens chose a smaller group to govern on their behalf
Electoral Process The process by which the United States elects its president and vice president
Powers of the Government Enumerated Concurrent Reserved
Concurrent Powers Powers shared by state and national government 1.Raise taxes 2.Prisons 3.Courts 4.Law enforcement
Reserved Powers Powers that are reserved by the states. 1.Marriage/divorce laws 2.Driving Age 3.Public Education
Enumerated Powers Powers set aside for the federal or national government 1.Maintaining an Army 2.Coining and printing money 3.Postal services
Power to Collect Taxes Both the State and Federal Government have the power to collect taxes. This would be an example of _______________ power.
Duties Pay Taxes Obey the Law Attend School Serve in Court (jury duty) Defend the Nation (draft)
Responsibilities Vote Be Informed Participate in government. Respect the rights of others. Respect Diversity.
Migration A mass movement of people from one area to another.
Push/Pull factors of Migration Push War Lack of jobs Political persecution Disease Lack of resources Pull Job opportunities Recreation Land/resources Weather
Major Population shifts in the United states 1.Rural to Urban 2.Shift to the Sunbelt (South and west migration) 3. Urban/Suburban shift
What are factors that cause people to settle in areas that become cities Water (rivers/harbors) Ex. ? Other Resources (Coal) Useful land.
Westward movement of the United States Who went? Who encouraged it? At whose expense? Native Americans By the Indian removal act sponsored by Andrew Jackson
49ers People migrated to California in search for gold. Contributed to the Westward expansion of the U.S.
Homestead Act Established by the United States Government. Gave settlers 160 acres of free land in the West. Helped promote the Westward expansion of the U.S.
Manifest Destiny Idea or belief that Americans should occupy domestic America. We should settle the land from “Sea to shining sea.”
Louisiana Purchase 1803 Bought from France for 15 million dollars (about 3 cents per acre) Doubled the size of America. Helped America fulfill “Manifest Destiny”
Gadsden Purchase Small tract of land purchased from Mexico for 10 million dollars. Also helped America fulfill “Manifest Destiny”
Rural/Urban Rural- country. Sparse population, (Ex. Farms) Sparsely populated Urban- City, examples include dense population. (Ex. Skyscrapers) Densely populated
Population Density Amount or number of people in a given area of land. For example how many people live within one square mile. Rural areas would show less density in population than urban/suburban areas.
Urban Development City growth or the growth of areas that include suburbs. Example would be skyscrapers in a city in order to maximize limited space.
Civil War War between the North and South Causes States Rights (John C. Calhoun) Slavery
Advantages and Disadvantages Advantages South 1.Better Generals 2.Reason to fight 3.Were fighting a defensive war Disadvantages South 1.Less population 2.Less industry 3.Railroad system was not well connected Advantages North 1.More Population 2.More Industry 3.Well connected railroads Disadvantages North 1.Public opinion of war 2.Soldiers will to fight 3.Had to fight an offensive war