Properties of Ocean Water Edward Aponte Jessica Avila Jessica Avila Aaron Feinhandler Aaron Feinhandler Erik Recillas Erik Recillas
Color of the Ocean W ater has a very slight blue color that can only be seen in large volumes. The sky's reflection contributes to the blue appearance of the surface and of the light from the sun.
Temperature Thermocline-zone of rapid temperature change that begins just below the surface of the ocean In the ocean, the deeper you go, the more colder it gets. Earth receives its warmth from the sun. The deeper you go the less sunlight can penetrate the water and pass down. Did you know that the surface of the water is warmer than the bottom?
Salinity Noticeably, the ocean is filled with salt… NaCl (Salt) makes up, on average, about 35 PPT of water. COOL! But where does all of this salt come from? There are a few main sources, and notably these process take many years for a large impact.
Gases in Ocean Water Like in the atmosphere, the ocean has gases such as nitrogen (N2), oxygen (O2), and carbon dioxide (CO2). Oxygen and carbon dioxide play important roles in the ocean, because they are necessary to life. Nitrogen is not used directly by living organisms except for certain bacteria. No, not this kind of gas!
And those were the Properties of Ocean Water The End!!!