Experiments and Modeling of Water and Energy Transfer in Agro-ecosystem Yi LUO Zhu OUYANG Yucheng Comprehensive Experiment Station, CAS Sept, 2002
Outline (1) Background (2) IEM in Field Scale Framework and Components of the Model Field Exp., Model Validation (3) IEM in Regional Scale (4) No Conclusion
Background Processes in Field Scale Processes in Regional or Watershed Scale Groundwater Soil Land Use/Cover Ground monitoring RS Integrated Ecological Modeling CropS: Crop and Soil system model SWAT/MODFLOW
IEM in Field Scale-Framework and Components
Currently, CropS can simulate: (1) Soil water dynamics, infiltration (2) Evaporation and transpiration (3) Root water uptake (4) Drainage percolation (5) Photosynthesis, and (6) CO 2 flux from canopy IEM in Field Scale- Framework and Components
Modified Feddes Root Uptake Model Feddes Model Root Density Profile Function Modified Feddes Model IEM in Field Scale- Framework and Components
IEM in Field Scale- Field Exp. And Validation Soil and Root Profiles Sampling
IEM in Field Scale- Field Exp. And Validation Samples of winter wheat root Root length density profile(CI201)
IEM in Field Scale- Field Exp. And Validation Soil properties and parameters: (1) Texture (2) Retention curves (3) Hydraulic conductivities Soil Physics Lab, Yucheng Agri. Exp. St.
IEM in Field Scale- Field Exp. And Validation SPAC System Observations : (1) Soil and Root profiles (2) Soil moisture profile and groundwater level (3) Transpiration by lysimeter (4) Crop growth (5) Meteo. factors 、 CO2 flux (6) Leaf photosynthesis and stomata resistance Yucheng Agri. Exp. St.
Comparison among soil water profiles simulated by different root uptake models Volumetric soil water content Soil depth (cm) IEM in Field Scale- Field Exp. And Validation
Comparison among soil profiles by CropS and the measured
IEM in Field Scale- Field Exp. And Validation Comparison of ET Between CropS to Bowen Ratio Approach Diurnal Process of ET Correlation Analysis
IEM in Field Scale- Field Exp. And Validation CO2 flux calculated with Bowen Ratio approach Comparison of CO2 fluxes by CropS and measurement
IEM in Field Scale- Field Exp. And Validation Percolation processes simulated by CropS at the depths of 100cm and 200cm, respectively
IEM in Watershed Scale MODFLOW Interface SWAT RS Info. IEM Eco-hydrological System Eco-hydrological Processes Modeling in Watershed Scale
IEM in Watershed Scale Target areas Hetao Irrigation District 11000KM 2 Panzhuang Irrigation District 3300KM 2
IEM in Watershed Scale Expected Outcomes 1.Dynamics of shallow groundwater table under influence of change of land use/cover irrigation (diversion from Yellow river and groundwater use) 2.Effects of shallow ground water table fluctuation on land salinization desertification wetland preservation(water quantity and quality)
No Conclusions
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